January Qualtrics Monthly Report on Inclusive Health Dec 11, 2018 Introduce myself and Amy, Ashlyn, Molly, and Samantha.
Objective Understand reporting requirements for January monthly report on inclusive health Understand what data is requested and how data from report will be used Key definitions Questions
Reporting Requirements Inclusive health questions replace January monthly report Qualtrics link will be shared by your RHM by Friday, 12/14 Report due January 11 Information shared in this report will be used for End of year report due to CDC ~Jan 31 Report to Golisano foundation mid-February Planning for future Inclusive Health work Normally, the monthly reports are due on January 5, but given that you are just hearing about these survey questions now with the survey link not being ready until Friday, we are extending the deadline to Friday January 11 -If you anticipate that you will need longer to report, please let us know immediately In previous years, we have asked for this information on the end of year report or in the March monthly report. Due to reporting cycles with our major funders, including CDC and the Golisano foundation, we are moving up the report. We apologize for the quick turnaround, and realize you may have many questions. If you are unsure what we are looking for you to share with us or have any other questions or concerns, please reach out to us. We want to be a resource to you! We will also use the information you share with us to plan for future Inclusive Health activities and resource development, so your contributions are very important to us.
Key definitions Inclusive Health: The inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) in mainstream health policies and laws, programming, services, training programs, and funding streams Read definition. Emphasize that this is beyond the work of SO and beyond our athletes.
Key definitions Mainstream Organization: An organization/business/corporation that has programs or services for all people in the community (e.g., people without ID and people with ID) Ex: insurance companies, hospitals and healthcare providers, fitness/wellness facilities, universities and schools, and government Examples could include health insurance companies, hospitals, fitness facilities, universities and schools. Could also include organizations that don’t focus exclusively on health, like local government.
Key definitions Inclusive Health training: Teaches mainstream organizations about inclusive practices Gives them tools needed to include more people with ID More than presenting on Special Olympics programming Read definition.
Key definitions Inclusive Health changes: If you aren’t sure, ask us! A change to policies and laws, programming, services, training programs, and funding streams that promotes inclusion of people with ID If you aren’t sure, ask us! Read definition. Example: mainstream doctor’s office trains their receptionist how to greet and talk with patients with ID. The new way that the receptionist works with patients with ID helps them feel more welcome and less worried during their visit.
Inclusive Health trainings Questions on trainings focus on how you are training mainstream organizations in your community You should tell us about: # of trainings # of organizations that participated in trainings Organization name Organization type (i.e., government, university, healthcare provider, wellness/fitness provider, other) Topics covered during training, including uploading resources that you used for training Many Programs have been successful at building inclusive health trainings into existing trainings that partners are doing. For example, if your Partner was a local oral health coalition and they were holding an all-day continuing education training for providers, you could work into this existing training so that you aren’t having to create all of this by yourself.
Inclusive health changes Questions on inclusive health changes focus on the outcome of trainings You should tell us about: # organizations that made changes after training Names of organizations that made changes Type of changes made (i.e., change to policy or law, change to program or service delivery, change to training, change to funding, change to research/data collection, other) If you report a policy change, you’ll be asked if you have an estimate of the number of people who will be impacted by this change We know that you may not have all of the information that we are asking. That’s ok. Please fill out as much as you can!
University Curriculum changes Curriculum change that promotes inclusive health: Systems change that makes information on how to include and care for people with ID as part of the experience for all students Not one lecture on people with ID or a requirement for students to volunteer at a SO event Includes all people with ID You should tell us about: Name of universities that have made curriculum changes What was the curriculum that was changed Approximate number of students exposed to changes We’ve heard from many Programs over the years about how they work with Universities to train future generations of providers by changing curriculum. Curriculum change…
Thank you! If you have questions about inclusive health, please contact inclusivehealth@specialolympics.org If you have questions about this report or qualtrics challenges, please contact research@specialolympics.org Thank you for listening today. If you have any questions or concerns about inclusive health, you can reach out to the inclusive health team. If you have any questions about this report or issues with qualtrics, you can reach out to the research team.