AGING OFFENDER INITIATIVE Lynne Dolphin, senior practice development officer/principal social worker (adults) durham
‘Aging Sex Offenders – managing risk in the community’ Published in Policing and Society – An international Journal of Research and Policy Vol. 28, 2018, Issue 1 Ms Hannah Bows & Professor Nicole Westmarland Durham University October 2015 Commissioned and funded by Durham Constabulary Research commissioned by Durham Constabulary in response to concerns regarding the rapidly ageing sex offenders register and lack of existing provisions for offenders with care and support needs Recommendations Aging offender population increasing – this demand should be taken into account when budgeting Risk does not diminish with age – training for those working with older people should be available to alert to the potential for abuse Practitioners should be aware that just because someone has not been on the sex offenders register, does not mean they have never been on, and should be alert to any signs of abuse Helpful to have a learning day between police and practitioners Support to keep older offenders in the community rather than in care Training for providers
Challenges for LA’s, partner agencies: Increased risk of poor physical and mental health Housing needs Range of restrictions and obligations placed on the person Difficulties in finding care placements Expectations of care providers Training needs No consistent referral pathway Notice of release Disclosure Registering with a GP Lack of appropriate approved premises/disabled access/female accommodation Little support/knowledge around managing ex-offenders with dementia We only know what we know (not routine to do background checks/no longer on register/person might not disclose) These are some of the challenges identified in the research document but also those identified through the course of our working group meetings We know from research that given the socio-economic background of prisoners, they are likely to be at greater risk of poor physical and mental health The person cannot always return to the area in which they used to live
Ageing Offender Working Group MAPPA Co-ordinator, National Probation Service (Chair) Safeguarding Adults Business Manager, DCC Senior Practice Development Officer/Principal Social Worker, DCC Safeguarding Representative, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Safeguarding Representative, Darlington Borough Council Durham Clinical Commissioning Group Police Housing representative, Durham and Darlington Prison Social Worker, DCC Team Manager, Durham Locality Team, DCC Just a flavour of the range of people/agencies input into the working group We do try to engage with HMPS – it has been difficult to get attendance but inroads are being made in engaging governors
Action Planning September 2016 – multi-agency group formed to address recommendations of research & ToR developed Identification of numbers of offenders pre-release Identification of commissioning gaps Development work around clearer pathways /timely assessments/GP registration Development of joint information sharing agreement – what will be shared /when/who with Development of clear guidelines for all agencies to address risk Training – what are the needs Split into a number of working groups – e.g. looking at commissioning, housing
Progress Linked with Providers around information/training needs Task and Finish Group established Chair has made inroads with Prison Service Progress in identifying SPOC re notification of release CCG are taking issue of GP registration forward DCC updating Prison Protocol Group continue to meet regularly to share progress updates against action plan DCC Protocol for Working in Prisons in Co. Durham sets out Responsibility for social care assessments Determining eligibility Delivering social care service in the prison setting Aids, Equipment and Adaptations MH and LD needs Urgent needs – fast track process Ordinary residence End of Life Care Advocacy Duty to Refer Contains a screening checklist Assessment flowchart Autism pathway under development
The next phase….. A focus on bringing together constituent parts of work into coherent plan of action Develop flowchart precisely defining stages of assessment pathway from pre- release to care/community A binding agency agreement to provide wrap around services to aging offenders Presentation to governors from NE prison service