Leveraging Career Opportunities to Create Hope in the Noble Local School District
Pathways Program New Position-Oct. 1, 2015 Connecting resources- To provide opportunity for area youth to experience real-world work based learning Local Schools/Adult Career Centers/Colleges Businesses Manufacturers Community (TV, Newspaper, Rotary, Lion Club, Port Authority, Chambers) Vision- To expand career options so students are motivated to create and attain life goals
Career Focus Backpacks- Assessments- Ohio Means Jobs/Career Cluster Inventory Job Shadowing Sites- Over 100 businesses that are involved Speakers into schools- Colleges/ Career Centers (Trade Programs) Manufacturing Tours Congressman Johnson (Manufacturing Your future) Positions available/ 401K/ Benefits/Tuition Reimbursement Soft Skills- Team Player/ Drug testing/Work on time Career Expos- Sharing of stories and pathways Workforce Tours- Career guidance to be more employable: Job Applications/ Interview techniques/Techniques/Soft Skills
Life Skills/Direction Providing/Setting Goals Although grades are important, without vision/purpose/aspiration there isn’t career direction. Work Ethic/Teamwork/Self Awareness Knowing what I do matters, having that positive attitude, being dependable, cooperating with those around you and having emotional intelligence. Hope Belief that the future will be better than the present, and that they have the power to make it so.
Statistics Oct. 2015-Present Over all students that have had individual job shadowing opportunities: Over: 350 Overall students that have completed tours: 565 Students that I have helped and that have been given job opportunities within the local community: 40 Over 4,300 students have been spoken to directly and impacted by local employers/career centers/colleges on the opportunities they can offer to prospective employees. Expos within districts that Manufacturers have been present: 10
Career Pathway Stories, Job Shadowing, Workforce Opportunities
Noble Local Students Welding at Bi-Con
Lisa Rich, from Dr. Jacksons office, talking to students about what Radiology Technicians do in the workplace while casting an arm.
Noble Local students job shadowing at Marietta Memorial
Manufacturing tours of Kerry, Detroit Diesel, Cambridge Pkg and Quanex
Students touring at Detroit Diesel and learning about problem solving/critical thinking while on the jobsite
Noble Local Students checking out the Surgical Tech program at WCCC
Students to Mid-East Adult Power Line Prog
Helping Buckeye Trail/Shenandoah Students fill out job applications
How do we expand these opportunities within our school? Began with A Three Question Culture What do you want students to know? How do you know if they know it? 3. What do you do for the students that don’t?
Led to creation of a daily extra help period: On Target Teachers are assigned 12-15 students each and teachers act as those students’ advisors. Between OT advisors and open study hall periods we have created numerous opportunities for staff to check on students and monitor progress. Creation of a tracking system for OT students. 41 minutes daily...12:08-12:49...used for speakers, careers, colleges, military, internship opportunities, soft/essential/professional skills. Tied this period to PBIS, and offer Freedom Fridays periodically to reward students who are on target.
Career Pathways Coach The Career Pathways Coach will work closely with high school and middle school students to determine academic and career pathways based on their interests and aptitudes. The coach will serve as a liason between the students and college personnel, community stakeholders, and business/industry professionals to help students transition to postsecondary education and successful career pathways.
Career Connections Learning Strategies Collaborate w/ teachers to create coursework relevant to career pathways Collaborate w/ curriculum coordinators to incorporate model curriculum into district curriculum Career Advising for Students in Grades 6-12 Goal setting career interest inventories, researching career and education options, developing a draft resume, etc. Determination of pathway/ course of study
Interventions for Students At-Risk of Dropping Out Process for identifying students Student Success Plans Career Pathways Ohio Means Jobs Mentoring Internships/ Job Shadowing Pathways to Earn a High School Diploma Traditional Certificates College Readiness Assessments
Credit Flexibility – Academic and Career Tech Documentation Ohio Means Jobs backpacks Ohio Means Jobs Readiness Seal Career Portfolio Successful Postsecondary Transitions Interventions for students in need of remediation
taught students to believe in themselves and their abilities, In summary, we have... taught students to believe in themselves and their abilities, engaged students in thinking about their futures, helped students discover their interests and skill sets, connected students with models and mentors, provided students with supports and encouragement and in doing so, it has built hope and optimism about their future and increased their opportunities for success. ,
higher levels of performance self-efficacy Which in turn has… Which has lead to… higher levels of performance self-efficacy Which in turn has… increased student engagement increased college and career readiness increased social/ emotional health increased opportunities s
Increased SUCCESS Increased ASPIRATIONS Increased HOPE Increased ACCESS Increased SUCCESS