Dividing Decimals: Expand on your previous knowledge of division to include an understanding of dividing with decimals. The action of separating into equal parts. Dividend – Divisor – Quotient What you have – Number of parts – Number in each part
Review: What’s the division problem in this model? What’s the dividend? What’s the divisor? What’s the quotient?
How would the quotient change if the dividend was 4.2, instead of 42?
Interesting!! 3 = 14 AND 4.2 3 = 1.4 0 1.4 2.8 4.2 5.6
The BIG question: How many 0.2s are there in 1 whole?
What’s the BIG question here?
There’s got to be an easier way! Do you remember that “all fractions are division problems?” 6.5 0.5 is the same as 6.5 0.5 6.5 65 0.5 5 and =
Solve: 2.24 0.16 224 16 x 100 =
Try this one.
DISCUSS… First, I would… Next, I would… Then, I would…
DISCUSS… First, I would… Next, I would… Then, I would… The school librarian has $40 to spend on some books. She wants to order many copies of the same book. Each copy costs $2.50. Shipping for the books will cost $5.00. How many copies can the librarian order? DISCUSS… First, I would… Next, I would… Then, I would…
The school librarian has $40 to spend on some books The school librarian has $40 to spend on some books. She wants to order many copies of the same book. Each copy costs $2.50. Shipping for the books will cost $5.00. How many copies can the librarian order?
Homework! Solve. _5_ _0.6_ _0.63_ 0.05 0.2 0.7 The maximum weight of the school’s elevator is 450 kilograms. If John weighs 30 kilograms, how many boxes, each weighing 3.5 kilograms, can John bring on the elevator without exceeding the maximum weight allowed? s