Our 1st Grade Classroom News Week of February 11th – 15th Email: valorietrombley@johnston.k12.nc.us Important Information Dates to know * Thank you so much to everyone who is contributing to our Valentine’s Day snack. You’re the best! Feel free to join us at 2:30 this Thursday too! * Thanks for sending in your child’s Valentines once they are ready! * The kids continue to do an amazing job with homework each night! Thanks so much for allowing your child to read to you to practice fluency/comprehension. * Wish List items: band-aids 2/12: Donuts & Disney at 7:45-8:45 for last names A-K 2/13: Donuts & Disney at 7:45-8:45 for last names L-Z 2/14: Valentine’s Day Snack at 2:30 2/18: Make-Up Day 2/26: Early Release-1:45 & Math Night at Food Lion for PreK-2nd from 5:30-7:30 3/1: RES Spirit Day 3/6: Spring Pictures & Class Pictures 3/8: End of 3rd Quarter 3/11: No School 3/18: Report Cards 3/19: Early Release-1:45 3/28: Field trip to Marbles & IMAX 4/5: RES Spirit Day 4/9: Early Release-1:45 Our Learning Focus Theme: Valentine’s Day Math: Money & Data/Graphing Phonics: Closed vs. Open Syllables and Vowel Teams (ai, ay, ee, ea, ey, oi, oy) Reading Focus: Comparing/contrasting adventures and experiences of characters Writing Focus: Opinion writings that state opinion, give reasons, and provide closure Science: Earth, Moon, and Sun Words to Remember WWW: then, smart, give, went, play, saw Word Families: -ust, -ind, -one