Somerset Primary Data Report/SBG Information Session 2015-2018 Agenda: Share academic data for the cycle of the last School Improvement Plan (2015-2018) I.e.: How are we performing? (2) Standards Based Grading: What is Standards-Based Instruction? What is the purpose of Standards-Based Reporting? New report card and new reporting periods PowerSchool/Unified Classroom (3) Electing executive committee members of the PTA (some parents have already indicated that they are willing to take on key position; we need your presence to vote) Cambridge Checkpoint Reading (Fountas and Pinnell Assessment Systems) Writing (7 Traits)
English Language Arts (ELA) Cambridge Checkpoint English Language Arts (ELA) Cambridge Primary Checkpoint tests skills and knowledge at the end of stages 4–6 of the curriculum for English and Mathematics and stages 3–6 of the curriculum for Science. Scale: 0-6…..0 lowest and 6 the highest 5 or more= excellent understanding of most of the content 3-4 = sound understanding of most of the content Less than 2 = basic understanding and could use more focus in targeted areas 2 Mathematics Science
Mathematics(overall) 2015 2016 2017 2018 English(overall) 3.7 3.2 3.4 Reading Average 4.1 3.3 3.6 Usage Average N/A Writing Average 3.5 3.1 Mathematics(overall) 2.7 2.5 2.4 Geometry & Measure 3.8 3 2.3 Handling Data Avg 2.8 2.1 Number Average 2.2 Science (overall) Biology Chemistry 1.3 Physics Average 1.9 Scientific Enquiry 4.5
Cambridge English Results 2015-2018 English(overall) Reading Average Usage Average Writing Average 2015 3.7 3.5 2016 4.1 3.3 2017 3.2 3.4 2018 3.6 3.1
Cambridge Mathematics Results 2015-2018 Mathematics(overall) Geometry & Measure Handling Data Avg Number Average 2015 2.7 3.8 2.8 2.3 2016 2.5 3 2.1 2.4 2017 2018 3.1 2.2
Cambridge Science Results 2015-2018 Science(overall) Biology Chemistry Physics Scientific Enquiry 2015 3.2 3.5 3.1 1.9 4.5 2016 3.7 3.4 2017 2018 2.5 2.7 1.3
Cambridge Science Results 2015-2018 Science(overall) Biology Chemistry Physics Scientific Enquiry 2015 3.2 3.5 3.1 1.9 4.5 2016 3.7 3.4 2017 2018 2.5 2.7 1.3
(Fountas and Pinnell Assessment Systems) Reading (Fountas and Pinnell Assessment Systems)
INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENT: On-going objective: To raise the reading achievement of all children in the school INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENT: • 80% of students are reading at or above grade level by Spring 2019 according to the Fountas and Pinnell Assessment Systems. Year Level Spring 2015 Percentage Increase/ Decrease From Spring 2014 to Spring 2015 Spring 2016 From Spring 2015 to Spring 2016 Spring 2017 From Spring 2016 to Spring 2017 Spring 2018 From Spring 2017 to Spring 2018 Primary 1 81% -7 94% +13 76% -18 68% -8 Primary 2 69% +8 -1 88% +20 38% -50 Primary 3 50% -36 63% -25 66% +28 Primary 4 53% +3 15% -38 61% +46 +5 Primary 5 70% 62% 27% -35 64% +37 Primary 6 +23% 52% -24 +29 54% -27 Lower School (P1-P3) 67% -12 75% 65% -10 39% -26 Upper School (P4-P6) +14 48% -22 +16 -3 All Year Levels 89% +1 -28 55% -9
Current Year Levels 2015 Percentage Increase/ Decrease ’14-‘15 2016 Decrease ’15-‘16 Spring 2017 Decrease ’16-‘17 Spring 2018 Decrease ’17-‘18 Primary 1 - 76% 38% -38 Primary 2 94% 88% -6 66% -22 Primary 3 81% 68% -13 -30 +28 Primary 4 69% -19 63% 61% -2 64% +3 Primary 5 50% -11 15% -35 27% +12 54% +27 Primary 6 53% -33 62% +29 +19
From Spring 2014 to February 2015 From February 2015 to Spring 2016 Writing (Fountas and Pinnell Assessment Systems) Year Level Feb. 2015 Percentage Increase/ Decrease From Spring 2014 to February 2015 Spring. 2016 From February 2015 to Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Percentage Increase/ Decrease From Spring 2016 to Spring 2017 Spring 2018 From Spring 2017 to Spring 2018 Primary 1 14% +8 6% -8 12% +6 0% -12 Primary 2 38% +16 45% +7 44% -1 16% +4 Primary 3 36% -14 39% +3 -25 20% Primary 4 23% +9 +15 29% -9 31% +2 Primary 5 50% +5 -5 -45 Primary 6 47% +31 71% +24 62% -62 Lower School (P1-P3) -2 22% -10 Upper School (P4-P6) +14 56% +18 13% -34 All Year Levels 34% +10 35% -22
Standards Based Grading
What is Standards-Based Grading? A system of grading that uses standards-based approaches to educating students, learning standards—i.e. concise, written descriptions of what students are expected to know and be able to do at a specific stage of their education— Teachers determine the goals of a lesson, and then they determine how and what to teach students, so that they achieve the learning expectations described in the standards.
Purpose To provide more specialized reporting: precise and specific information about a child’s progress toward a standard To support common criteria for grading To support students in answering: Where am I going? Where am I now? How can I close the gap?
How does Standards Based Grading Work? Standards-Based Grading assesses a student’s overall work and most recent work; so, it tells us what a student has learned and what he or she now knows rather than what they knew at the beginning of a quarter or unit. In other words, it measures students’ knowledge of grade-level content over time by reporting the most recent, consistent level of performance. So, a student might struggle in the beginning of a course with new content, but then learn and demonstrate proficient performance by the end of the course.
Key Components Aligned with BPSS Cambridge curriculum Scores include a 1, 2, 3, or 4 Attainment Levels are reported quarterly Learning Skills/Intentions/Success Criteria Grading to an “End of the Year Standard”
“End of the Year Standard” Student progress will be reported on a quarterly basis toward the “end of the year standard” Therefore, students may receive a “2” on the report card as they are making progress toward proficiency The goal is for all students to have at least a “3” in all areas by the end of the school year Students will receive a “3” on the report card when they have mastered the grade level standard
Scoring Scale Mark Interpretation 4 Exceeds grade-level standard 3 Meets grade-level standard 2 Progressing toward grade-level standard 1 Limited progress toward grade-level standard
Traditional Assessment Based Grading Uses a scale of A – F or percents Points and extra credit are given Averaging is used Task completion is important It is cumulative Grade book gives information on assignments rather than content. Based mostly on test grades Behavior, punctuality, and other non-academic factors are considered Very subjective Teachers define the criteria – can be different teacher to teacher Prior performance is more important than improvement The grade is the grade Students are compared to other students