Boosters Purpose The purpose of the Theatre/Vocal Music Boosters is to provide support to both the Theatre and Vocal Music departments in the following ways Volunteering your time Donating goods Coordinating fundraisers Your help will continue to allow us to provide the best fine arts education for your students
Reminders and Contact Info Remind 101 Theatre Boosters To receive messages via text, text @theatreboo to 81010 Mrs. Emily Mokrycki 402-557-3238 emily.mokrycki@ops.org Remind 101 Vocal Boosters To receive messages via text, text @vmboosters to 81010 Mr. David Groth 402-557-3253 david.groth@ops.org
BOARD MEMBERS Shawn Bonge Kendra Drake Anne Belshan Lisa Reid (402) 612-6512 rsbonge@yahoo.com Anne Belshan (402) 659-4242 belshans@centurylink.net Heather Tiemann (402) 397-0139 jwtiemann@juno.com Kendra Drake (402) 250-8327 Kendra_d_drake@yahoo.com Lisa Reid (402) 216-1974 lisakreid14@gmail.com
AWARDS SHOWCASE FRIDAY, JUNE 7 Purpose The Omaha Performing Arts Nebraska High School Theater Academy program • celebrates the artistic achievements of local high schools, students and teachers involved in musical theatre • supports high schools by providing high-quality learning experiences for students and • advocates for the importance of high school theatre education. AWARDS SHOWCASE FRIDAY, JUNE 7 Burke students honored in the past: Outstanding Musical Production & Outstanding Ensemble 2016 – Beauty and the Beast Outstanding Musical Production & Backstage of Excellence 2017 – SHREK Outstanding Musical Production 2018- Crazy For You Julianna Cooper, Ben Adams, Kelsey Keres, Xander Cox Featured Ensemble members: Katelyn Boyes, Nixon Chica, Mia Sherlock, Nadia Williams, Boston Reid, Samantha Simpson, Joseph Wright, & Jordan Speer J
TAP WORKSHOP Wednesday, November 7 3:30pm-7:00pm Provide your own tap shoes TO REGISTER: http://burketheatre.wixsite.com/opsdrama/tap COST: $50 suggested donation Cash OR Check made payable to Debbie Massey-Schneweis placed in a sealed envelope write your name on the envelope and turn in to Mrs. Mokrycki
State Thespian Festival DATE: January 3-5, 2019 $190 cash or check (includes registration, hotel, and ALL MEALS) DUE SETPEMBER 27TH Registration Form Online Other Opportunities & I.E. Guidelines NEED 2-4 Chaperones
International Thespian Festival DATE: June 24-29th, 201 $800 cash or check (includes registration, room and board) DUE FEBRUARY 1st LAST YEAR IN LINCOLN, NEBRASKA
DISTRICT MUSIC CONTEST April 10-13 Available to Treble Ensemble and Concert Choir Student to participate Solo, Duets, Trios, Quartets and Misc. Ensembles Large Group Performances April 11 or 12 at BURKE Small Group Performance April 13 at Beveridge District Recital April 17 – For those earning 1 ratings
OTHER VOCAL OPPORTUNITIES OPS Men’s Honor Choir October 16 @ Northwest High Concert Choir NWMSU Sunday, November 4 All State Auditions October 5 and 6 All-State Festival November 14-16 All-City Sunday, February 3rd
Worlds of Fun May 4, 2019 Registration Deadline with first payment of $100 by January 11 $150-$200 per student Tickets to the park One Meal Transportation- Coach Buses Competition Fee
ALL Shirts – ONLINE STORES Drama Club Shirt Choir is Neat Show Shirts Synergy Oynx Ovation
Ticket Sales http://bhsne.booktix.com SEASON TICKETS Flex Package - $50 Four tickets to ANY of the productions On sale until Saturday, November 3rd Early Access to Purchase tickets PatronHitchcock ($15 ) Until October 14th PatronBlack ($15 ) Until November 12th VIPBigFish ($20) January 28th thru February 17th PATRONBigFish ($15 ) February 18th thru March 17th
Fundraisers Entertainment® Apps- ENDS FRIDAY! Walk-A-Thon- Saturday, October 27th Raising Cane’s – October 31 or November 8 Concessions During Plays & Musical Flowers During Plays & Musical Burke Bash – November 16 Middle School Boot Camp – March 9 Raising Cane’s – March 28th Snap-Raise® - January 14th-Feb. 11th
Walk-A-Thon Saturday, October 27th Point Person: Heather Tiemann Department Fundraiser: 24 channel snake ($749) Travel expenses Individual Student Fundraiser to help pay for such items as: Shirts State Festival International Festival Show Choir Suggested Donation Worlds of Fun
BURKE BASH Point Person: Anne Belshan Friday, November 16 For every “theatre/vocal” table of 8 $100 is donated back to the musical Contact Info: https://goo.gl/forms/rgXxWR5isriT9jpS2
Advertisements Point Person: Angie Halstead and Karen Burmood Can purchase yourself Need help selling/ contacting potential advertisers https://goo.gl/forms/pGIb3T4CYPluiK4U2
Sponsorships Looking for a Point Person GOAL: $5000 $3000 for Musical $1000 for Vocal Musical $1000 for Theatre https://goo.gl/forms/pGIb3T4CYPluiK4U2
Volunteer Opportunities Level 1. Is intended for activities that are at the school. This is the most basic level and does not involve student contact. Examples include clerical work, filing in the office area. Level 2. Is intended for activities where the Volunteer is ALWAYS in a group setting with certificated OPS staff member present. This level of clearance will allow you to act as a volunteer in classrooms, support campus activities such as Room Parent, Library Aide. Level 3. Requires a criminal background check and approval through Human Resources. This level is intended for individuals who may be working one on one with a student, with or without direct supervision of a certificated staff OPS staff member, which may be taking place either on or off district property. This level of clearance will allow you to act as a volunteer in activities, involved in supervising students, such as tutors, field trip or dance chaperones, coaches, and mentors.
Volunteer Opportunities OPS REQUIRED Volunteer Form: : https://omaha.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=5297 Donation/Volunteer Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4BA9A62FABFA7-theatrevocal Contact Info: https://goo.gl/forms/rgXxWR5isriT9jpS2
Department Websites THEATRE: www.burketheatre.wixsite.com/opsdrama CHOIR: www.burkechoirs.weebly.com