Response of the SDHCAL to pions Sameh Mannai Université Catholique de Louvain Kais Manai Faculté Des sciences de Tunis 1
Energy reconstruction E_rec=A*N1+B*N2+C*N3 2
Resolution Fitted with the quadratic sum without 80GeV: This symbol represent a quadratic sum (1) With 80GeV (2) Without 80GeV The resolution is dominated by the noise term (528% )? 4
I represented the resolution as a function of 1/sqrt(E) and I fited with a linear function For the two cases respectively with and without 80GeV 5
(1) Resolution Fitted with the quadratic sum: (1)(2) (2) Resolution as a function of 1/sqrt(E) (Energies GeV) 6
(1) Resolution Fitted with the quadratic sum: This symbol represent a quadratic sum (1)(2) (2) Resolution Fitted with the quadratic sum: 7
Linearity 9
Comparison to Simulation 10
Comparison to Simulation 11
Comparison with Kais Study 12
Comparison with Kais Study 13