Properties of Matter Chapter 2 Section 2.2
What are Properties of MATTER? Properties are physical or chemical characteristics of substances. No two substances have the same properties. Properties can be divided into 2 categories: physical, and chemical.
Physical Property A characteristic of a substance that can be changed without changing the chemical composition of the substance; ie, no other characteristics will be changed. Examples: color, shape, temperature
More Physical Properties Size Solid, Liquid, Gas Melting/Freezing Point Boiling/Condensation Point Conductivity Maleability Ductility Density Taste Odor Hardness Luster Texture
Chemical Properties A characteristics of a substance that describes the ability of that substance to change into a different substance. Examples: Flammability, reactivity
More Chemical Properties Acidity Alkalinity Combustability Corrosivity Explosivity Radioactivity
Physical Changes Changes in a substance that do not change the chemical composition of the substance. Only one physical property of the substance is changed. The change can be reversed by physical methods.
Chemical Changes Changes in a substance that change the chemical composition of the substance. All physical and chemical properties of the substance are changed. The change cannot be reversed by physical methods.
Atomic Model Exercise
Pair & Share List 3 things you learned in today’s class. List 2 things you are still unsure of about today’s class.
Homework Read Sections 2.2 and 2.3 Answer Review Questions (pgs. 34, 43)