Media 2013
Calling Florida (2000 election) · 4:49 p.m. PST: Television networks, led by NBC, declare Vice President Al Gore the winner in the highly prized state of Florida · 6:55 p.m.: CNN is the first to take back the projection and is quickly followed by the other networks. · 11:16 p.m.: Fox News is the first to declare Texas Governor George W. Bush the winner of Florida and is followed by the other networks within four minutes. Associated Press says the race is still too close. · 1 a.m.: All networks once again take back their projections. Why does it matter when the media declares the winner of a state? Read article on “News Media Stumbled Badly…”
Media Article Read article on CNN. What is the problem that CNN faces? What do you think are possible solutions to its situation?
Other concerns in regards to media… What are some media sources that are more conservative? What are some media sources that are more liberal? What are the potential dangers of having liberal and conservative news sources?