If you give a teacher a mentor… Induction in Whitefish Bay
She may ask for another. Are you my mentor too? Not exactly—but in Whitefish Bay you may be assigned two colleagues who support you. Mentor—A formally trained collaborative colleague who works with you to advance your standards based teaching practice. ROC Resource Orientation Colleague- A natural grade level or curricular partner who eases you in to the Building Culture, Procedures, Curriculum and other firsts such as grading and conferences
Your Mentor Listens to you at “What’s Working” Meetings and uses a Collaborative Assessment Log (CAL) to record what’s working and your choice of data for the mentor to look for when observing a lesson. Helps you reflect on the Continuum of Teacher Development to select areas for growth Collaborates with you at Half-Day Release Workshops to process data on Assessment and Differentiation Partners with you at Induction Program Events In District At SEWNTP Consortium Sites-Cardinal Stritch Main Campus or City Center
Your ROC … Links you to building and grade level culture and procedures Plans curriculum with you as needed Connects you to resources and colleagues Partners with your mentor to coordinate support Is your Oracle
Differentiation-Not just good for kids! It’s best practice for mentoring too!
Differentiated Mentoring Initial Educator Two Year Program A teacher in his or her PDP Reflection Year Experienced Educator One Year Program A teacher with a professional license or implementing an approved PDP goal
Mentor Support in Year One is Differentiated Too! IE in Reflection Year Experienced Educator Collaborates with you to complete 4 observation protocols Attends 2 SEWNTP COPS (Community of Practice Seminars) Attends WFB Workshops with you Directs you to PDP Support Collaborates with you to complete 2 observation protocols May attend 2 SEWNTP Seminars with you-Urban Education or Literacy Attends WFB Workshops with you Directs you to PDP Support as needed
In Whitefish Bay new teachers are “caught” between a Roc and a…Mentor Strengths Based Standards Based New Teacher-Directed Non-Evaluative Collaborative Confidential Yes Y