*Homework is due Friday.* Monday: No Resource Tuesday: P.E. Wednesday: Art Thursday: Library Friday: Music Monday: Wear purple Tuesday: Wear white Wednesday: Wear black; ½ day dismissal at 11:00 Thursday: Wear orange; Back to School Night Friday: Wear RAINBOW colors *Homework is due Friday.* Please help your child dress in the “color of the day”. We will be working hard to be bucket fillers and not bucket dippers. We have practiced a fire drill and a cafeteria drill. In language arts, our focus will be learning to read and identify color words. We will use the colors introduced in “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?” We are also working on writing our names with a capital letter to begin and all other letters lowercase. We are also introducing letters Tt, Pp, and Cc. We will learn these letter sounds and proper letter formation. We loved sharing our environmental print homework. Please continue to draw your child’s attention to signs and environmental print. We will begin learning about MATTER this week. In math, we are continuing shapes & numbers 1-10. We are learning about ten frames and ABAB patterns.