Finish Edward Scissorhands Quizzes: Agenda (for me) Finish Edward Scissorhands Quizzes: ATSS, Part Three Quiz
Reminders – 4-13-18 ATSS – Quiz, Part 3 today – FINISH the book by Monday!! Idea Sheets – all with asterisks through 11:30 AM this morning have been reviewed and commented on by me! I will not look at anything in this folder again until Sunday night. Updates to Schedule! Take a picture of this! Write in your calendar! Unit Socratic Seminar – Wednesday in class 4/18 Research Paper – due Wednesday, 4/18 by 11:59 PM via Turnitin ATSS/Rhetoric Unit Test – Thursday 4/19 Photo Essays – Monday, 4/23 (in Google Drive) / Presentations Mon (4/23) & Tues (4/24) 2nd Block Class ID: 17894137 Password: spruill2 3rd Block Class ID: 17894144 Password: spruill3 **Need a copy of Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell) by April 23! First reading will be the next day!
The Human Condition and Edward Scissorhands (Things to consider while watching film) Being civilized means being socially acceptable. Relationships with people are always impactful. Everyone conforms to some sort of standard, even those who consider themselves to be “reactionaries”. If you’re pure on the inside, it doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside. Life without color is bland. People conform because they are afraid of change and ridicule. It is worse to be flawed internally than externally.