Playing and Practice Logs – Laura Altimari Practice During Final Exams – Peter Baran Recently Adopted Legislation – Katie LeGrand Compliance Cup Standings Trivia Question/Upcoming Dates
In sports other than football: All countable related activities outside of the playing season are prohibited one week prior to the beginning of the final exam period through the conclusion of each student-athletes final exams. Applies only if you are outside the playing season! In FCS: Activities between the last contest and the start of summer conditioning are limited to required weight training, conditioning and the review of game film. Limited to 8 hours per week (no more than 2 hours on viewing film).
December 12th – Final Day of Classes December 13th – Reading Day December 14th – 20th : Final Exams (except for Sun. Dec. 15th) December 6th – Last Day for CARA before Finals!
1. Daily and weekly hour limitations apply to CARA during final exams periods and all prep periods leading up to final exams (e.g., a reading/study day). Villanova has a reading day on Friday, December 13th. 2. You may use a vacation day to satisfy the required day-off- per-week requirement.
Source: DI BOD – Leadership Council & Football Recruiting Subcommittee Effective: Immediate In FCS, to specify that in-person contact with a PSA who is participating in an all-star contest shall not be made from the time the PSA arrives in the locale of the contest until he returns to his home or to his educational institution. Coaches may not attend an all-star contest or other activities associated with such a contest. (practice, banquet, clinic) Rationale: Promotes healthy recruiting environment, protects the integrity of the recruiting process by minimizing influences of third parties. Maintains focus regular season as sites for evals.
Source: D1 BOD (PAG, LC, FRS) Effective: Immediate In FCS, to permit an institution to provide meals for up to four family members accompanying a PSA. Rationale: Used to be able to pay for 2 parents/legal guardians – this excludes other family members who accompany the PSA (aunts, siblings). Flexibility to provide others meals w/out requiring a waiver. Limited additional expense.
Source: DI BOD (PAG, LC, FRS) Effective: Immediate In FCS, to permit a student-athlete to participate in eight hours per week of required weight-training, condition and review of practice and game film (not to exceed two hours per week) during an eight-week period during the summer. Have the same academic requirements as MBB/WBB. Must be in summer school or be meeting academic thresholds. Rationale: Enhances S/A & Coach relationship. Provides athletic and academic improvement opportunities, which contributes to retention.
Source: DI BOD (LC) Effective: Immediate In MBB/WBB to eliminate the evaluation period for certified nonscholarship events that may occur in May in the event of conflicts with weekends in April. Rationale: April recruiting weekends may conflict with Easter or the PSA/SAT test, and May is busy for coaches, so they are limiting evals at nonscholarship events to one weekend in April, if necessary, rather then extending the evals into May.
Source: Committee of Competitive Safeguards/Medical Effective Date: August 1, 2014 Member institution shall submit data detailing student-athlete catastrophic fatalities, near fatalities, and catastrophic injuries to the NCAA on an annual basis. Rationale: Most institutions already report. Knowing the details is critical to implementing prevention interventions. Would be captured through an online portal.
Source: Committee of Competitive Safeguards/Medical Effective: August 1, 2014 Institutional shall designate a physician to serve as team physician for each of its teams, shall be a medical doctor or osteopathic physician with a current license in good standing to practice medicine in the state in which the institution is located; and he/she shall be authorized to oversee the medical services for injuries and illnesses incidental to S/As participation. Rationale: Student-athlete Well-Being – institution must provide a safe environment for S/As. A physical or his/her designee is required for medical exams and concussion return to play legislation. This would ensure institutions are meeting minimal requirements.
Source: Committee of Competitive Safeguards/Medical Effective: August 1, 2014 To specify that each head coach and any other coach (strength) who is employed full time by the institution shall maintain current certification in first aid, cpr, and aed use. Rationale: The certification requirement is intended to provide initial care until more skilled responders arrive. It is not intended to replace appropriate medical care and coverage. The growth of practice opportunities that includes year round exposures and extensive out-of-season sessions has greatly increased the likelihood that coaches will be the first to respond.
Source: Committee of Competitive Safeguards/Medical Effective: August 1, 2014 To specify that any individual who designs, conducts or monitors strength and conditioning activities is required to maintain strength and condition coach certification through a nationally recognized certification program. Rationale: Based on the number of sudden deaths that have occurred during conditioning sessions, a minimum standard is appropriate.
Source: Committee of Competitive Safeguards/Medical Effective: August 1, 2014 In football, to require at least three continuous hours of recovery time for S/As between any sessions occurring during the preseason practice period and after the five day acclimatization period. Rationale: Research supports heat acclimatization over a 14 day period. Three hours generally provides adequate recovery time.
Source: Committee of Competitive Safeguards/Medical Effective: August 1, 2014 To specify that a S/A who, as a result of a drug test administered by the NCAA, is found to have used a substance in the banned drug class of street drugs, shall be charged with the loss of competition during a minimum of 50% of a season in all sports. The committee recommended a reduction in the penalty for a marijuana positive drug test, as it us bit a performance enhancer. Allows institutions to intervene and assistant S/A behavior. A 50% withholding is still one of the most severe standards of any sports-governing body.
Effective August 1, 2014 To add womens triathlon as an emerging sport for women and establishes legislation related to the sport.
Intent: To limit printed recruiting material that may be provided to PSAs to general correspondence (no restrictions on design/content, except for size), educational material provided by the NCAA, nonathletics institutional publications Questionnaires Camp/clinic information To specify that there are no content restrictions on attachments to electronic correspondence, except that video and audio materials may not be created for recruiting purposes and may not be personalized to include a PSAs name/likeness.
Recruiting Materials and Electronic correspondence may not be send until September 1 st at the beginning of the junior year. MBB is currently June 15 th. Size restrictions on paper and envelopes. Other restrictions are gone. Camp brochure restrictions are gone.
Intent: In sports other than basketball, xc/track, football, and swimming/diving – To specify that telephone calls to an individual may be made at an institutions discretion beginning September 1 st at the beginning of his/her junior year in HS To permit any form of electronic correspondence ( , text) to be sent to a PSA Swimming remains July 1 st after Junior year. After that, calls may not be made more than once per week. XC/Track remains July 1 st after Junior year. After that, there is no limit for calls during a contact period. Cannot text in track and swimming.
Intent: To permit an institution to provide student-athlete financial aid that includes a board allowance that consists of three meals per day or the institutions maximum meal plan that is available to all students, whichever is greater. Rationale: Some institutions are no longer offer meal plans that are based on a specific number of meals (21 per week). Permits S/As who dine in institutional facilities to receive the same meal plan benefits that are available to other students.
To eliminate the certification requirements related to institutional financial aid. (We not longer have to certify in writing that the award was granted without regard to athletics ability – noncounter form) Rationale: The proposed elimination of noncounter certification form is intended to ease the burden of having the FAR and FA certify it was awarded without regard to eligibility.
Intent: To eliminate the requirement that an institutions athletics director compile and sign the squad list, further, to specify that the AD may designate another individual to sign the form for each sport.
Intent: To specify that an institutional staff member or any other individual outside the institution with whom the institution has made arrangements must count against coaching limits in the applicable sport as soon as the individual participates (in any manner) in: Providing technical or tactical instruction related to the sport to a student- athlete at any time Making or assisting in making tactical decisions related to the sport during on-court or on-field practice or competition Any off-campus recruiting activities. Rationale: More clearly identifies and defines those actions that will result in an individual being included In the coaching limitations in a particular sport.
Intent: To specify that an institution may provide meals to S/As incidental to practice activities during the playing season and while a S/A is representing the institution in noncompetitive events (SACC, media appearances); further to specify that an institution may provide snacks to S/As at any time. Rationale: This proposal permits an institution to provide meals to all student-athletes (scholarship and nonscholarship) at its discretion in conjunction with practice activities during the playing season and noncompetitive events. In addition, it will allow institutions to provide snacks to student-athletes at their discretion.
1. Baseball 1. Mens Basketball 1. Mens Soccer 1. Womens Rowing 2. Womens Soccer Make sure to turn in your logs on time for as many points as possible! Follow us on for bonus points!
MBB v. Delaware (Pavilion): Friday, November 7:00 PM NCAA XC Championships: Saturday, November 23 FB v. Delaware (PPL Park): Saturday, November 3:30 PM WBB v. Lafayette: Sunday, November 2:00 PM THANKSGIVING!
What is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside? Be the first to and youll A free soda or coffee with your favorite compliance officer!* *No purchase necessary. Offer not available in all areas. Subject to terms and conditions. Must be 21 or older to win. Must have attended compliance meeting in question (pun intended).