Spelling Words TEST ON FRIDAY Contact Us Conference Time: M-W,F 12:15-1:05 Phone: (903) 737-7458 FB Page: Justiss 1st Grade Crew laura.chesshire@parisisd.net (English Language Arts/ Reading//Writing) kimmy.rhodes@parisisd.net (Math/Science/Social Studies) 1st Grade Crew News Oct 29-Nov. 2, 2018 yytyt A Note From Your Captains The 1st grade program will be moved to a later date in the year. *Popcorn will be delivered this Wednesday. Please come by and pick up your child’s orders. Be sure you have joined our Remind text! We are collecting boxes of Stove Top stuffing for the Downtown Food Pantry until October 31st!! 30-Book Fair! Chesshire 9:55am Rhodes- 1:35pm 31- Pumpkin Day activities, wear orange! Nov. 1- FALL FIELD TRIP MONEY DUE $10 Nov. 2- Willie Wildcat Pics $2 Nov. 8- Fall Content Night Nov. 13- Fall pic. retakes *Rise Up Assembly every Friday at 7:30am *Family Reading Night every Wednesday 4-6pm in the library. Anchored in Learning v Reading & Phonics Writing Math Science Social Studies Reading skill: We will identify the main idea, details and summarize books about bats, spiders, and pumpkins on Epic.com Students will be assessed on Unit 1 high frequency words for a reading grade. Comprehension Story: On the Map Phonics: review long vowel sounds ending with e. The letter X, Y, and digraph sh Grammar: Students will write sentences and identify which words should be plural (ending in -s or -es) Students will identify even numbers, identify numbers on 120 chart, count dimes/pennies, and create a design with a line of symmetry. Students will explore how objects move in many different ways. Students will Explore and discuss harvest and fall traditions from the past and compare them to their own family traditions.. Sight Words: been does goes put Spelling Words TEST ON FRIDAY this, sing, three, back, red, that, see, green *from *are Sentence: I think we can go.