Advancing Partnerships for Universal Health Coverage 8/9 July 2015 Nairobi, Kenya
HANSHEP is a group of development agencies and country government seeking to improve the performance of the non-state sector in delivering better healthcare to the poor.
HANSHEP Timeline
Strategic Alignment + Co-Financing
HANSHEP Timeline
Why this workshop?
Today’s workshop is aligned with a number of activities in the HANSHEP Strategic Framework Next Workshop: Oct 2015
It is timely to move from ideology to action Challenging Perceptions Around 50% of health care in SSA is provided by private sources The private sector serves all segments of the population, including the poor The role and potential of the private sector is not well understood and is ignored by governments and donors alike Health in Africa Reports Collecting the Evidence Documenting size and scope of private actors Assessing the policy environment and regulatory issues Identifying health financing opportunities and constraints Analysing demand for priority health services and products Private Sector Assessments Recognising the Potential Mapping innovative programs , policies and practices serving the poor Analysing promising practices for scale‐up or adaptation Connecting researchers, funders and implementers Private Sector Databases
Enhancing coverage, financing and quality are the priorities Topic Spotlights A target for all countries Ensuring all people have access to the health services they need (prevention, promotion, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care) without the risk of financial hardship when paying for them (World Health Organisation) UHC at the heart of the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals What is the role of the private sector? July 2015 Reducing costs and enhancing protection Raising funds for health Reducing financial barriers to access through prepayment and subsequent pooling of funds in preference to direct out- of-pocket payments Allocating or using funds in a way that promotes efficiency and equity Financing May/June 2015 Regulating for improved outcomes Integrating / empaneling private providers into national health frameworks and insurance schemes Developing better metrics for incentivising, monitoring and evaluating quality among both public and private actors January 2015
The challenges require partnerships across sectors and borders KEY QUESTIONS INFORMING THE WORKSHOP: How to create efficient and sustainable financing mechanisms between public sector payers and private healthcare providers that will expand services to the poor; How to regulate and ensure private healthcare providers deliver quality services in line with recognised standards and national health priorities; and How to structure effective partnership models across different sectors to jointly address health priorities. DAY ONE – Setting the Scene Government perspectives on financing privately provided healthcare in Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria Insights from the Philippines on integrating providers into insurance schemes A World Café to share your experiences Lessons from quality improvement interventions in the region Outline of a new Framework for Public Purchasers for your feedback DAY TWO – Promoting collaboration Thematic breakout sessions on Expanding PHC through the private sector Strengthening purchasing mechanisms Increasing accountability of smaller providers Lessons from the Health Financing Support Program in India Regional breakout sessions to define Challenges and solutions to advancing public- private partnerships in health Exploring next steps
Collaboration is difficult, but necessary for sustainable reform Seek conceptual clarity, but avoid ideological debate Don’t be afraid to share what didn’t work Think pragmatically about what needs to change and what actions / next steps are needed (big and small, short and long-term) Let us know what you think and keep the discussion going online through the Health Systems Hub group…
Welcome, and enjoy the workshop!