2019-2020 Roster Update Training Tara Thomas Administrative Assistant, Technical Services TCstaff@ashrae.net
Training Overview Committee Leadership and Composition Quorums and Voting Roster Updates
TC/TG/TRG Leadership Chair Vice Chair Oversees all committee operations Nominates leadership candidates & members Assigns members to subcommittees Vice Chair Chair in training & backup Reminders, activity reporting, objectives
TC Membership - update TC Membership Elements Leadership Other Members Voting Members (6 to 18) – 4 year terms Members, non-quorum (0 to 2) – 4 year terms Formerly “International Members”, justification must be approved by section head. Corresponding Members (unlimited, may work on subcommittees) Provisional Corresponding Members (0-2) – 2 year terms Leadership Chair & Vice Chair (nominally 2 year terms; Chair is VM) Secretary, Subcommittee Chairs, Webmaster, PDC (aka ALI) Liaison Other Members Ex-Officio (TAC Chair, Section Head, MORTS, DOT) Society Liaisons (e.g., Program, Handbook)
Voting Member, Non-Quorum A Voting Member non-quorum is a special category for TC/TG/TRG members who are not able to attend every meeting due to travel costs and constraints. This category is an extension of the old “International Member” category. No more than 2 individuals may be nominated as VM-nqs on any TC/TG/TRG Justification for designating a specific member as VM-nq must be approved by your section head. Have identical responsibilities, privileges, and constraints as VM-quorum. A Voting Member-non quorum is not counted against the maximum number of Voting Members The absence of a Voting Member-non quorum does not affect the determination of quorum.
Roster Update Process
Roster Updates Roster updated annually Responsibility of TC Chair Leadership changes VM to CM rollover (4 year term) Members leave/join committee Responsibility of TC Chair Consult with TC Vice Chair, Section Head TC Membership Subcommittee Chair assists Balance desired, but not required Strive for uniform rollover rates Start early!
Roster Timeline Winter Meeting Due Tuesday 9 pm February May July 1 Completed Rollover Roster Workbooks submitted to Section Heads TC Chair completes workbook Save and Submit February Section Head reviews workbook Changes resolved with TC Chair during February HQ staff generates draft roster from workbook (PDF format) Section Head reviews draft roster Iterative process Roster changes after this time only made if emergency Emergency = no quorum, employer duplication, error May HQ staff makes final roster available to members Distribution through Section Heads NOT for public dissemination July 1 New Rosters effective November Rollover Roster Workbooks distributed to TC Chairs Workbook provided by HQ staff Excel spreadsheet with instructions
Update Process Responsibilities Process involves: TC, with Chair being principal Section Head HQ staff Everyone must do their part and in a timely manner or else process fails If process fails TC may be unable to conduct business
Membership Notes Provisional Members act as Corresponding members, but only serve 2 year terms. This position was added in order to allow ASHRAE staff to add members to the committee throughout the society year. During the time, review the list of Provisional members and decide to add them as corresponding members or delete them from your current roster. If there are no changes, after 2 years, they will drop from the roster. No two people may serve as Voting Members if both individuals have the same employer. One of the individuals should serve as a Corresponding Member. Voting members should have previously been corresponding members. Term limits: Voting = 4 years; Member Non Quorum = 4 years; Corresponding = Unlimited.
How To Become a Provisional Corresponding Member
Management Team Notes Term limits: Chair = 2 years with a 1 year extension through the approval of the Section Head; Vice Chair = 2 years; The Chair's term is not limited by the policy limiting normal Member and Member Non Quorum reappointments to four (4) consecutive terms. Chair and Vice Chair MUST BE ASHRAE members! The Chair should have served at least one one-year term as Vice Chair or Secretary. Corresponding Members can serve in all TC management positions except Chair.
Additional Positions and Notes
Roster Update Workbook Key Elements Management Team Get needed info from membership list No position should be left blank New Members Can sign up at anytime as a PCM Must have ASHRAE number or contact info Membership List and Status ONLY add code (AV, AC, DV, D, NC) Add notes in adjacent column Approval Section
Legend of Codes
Save or Submit Changes
Save and Return Later
Saved Changes
Submitted Changes are Final
When all else fails: Ask your Section Head SH?@ashrae.net
Additional Training Available During the Winter Meeting