Station 2 Protein Synethsis
Protein Synthesis Overview DNA and more specifically genes are the code of instructions for making proteins. Remember the sequence DNA →RNA→Amino Acids→Proteins→Traits
Making Connections Organisms and their common ancestor will share similar DNA Since DNA codes for proteins, this means that they will also produce similar proteins.
The process from DNA to proteins DNA has to be coded to mRNA Using a codon chart, mRNA is then coded into a sequence of amino acids The same sequence of amino acids= the same protein
Let’s practice! DNA sequence: AATGCATAT mRNA sequence would be what?
Let’s practice! DNA sequence: AATGCATAT mRNA sequence: UUACGUAUA
Let’s practice! DNA sequence: AATGCATAT mRNA sequence: UUACGUAUA What would be the sequence of amino acids?
Let’s practice! sequence of amino acids: LEU ARG ILE DNA sequence: AATGCATAT mRNA sequence: UUA CGU AUA sequence of amino acids: LEU ARG ILE
Your turn!! Directions: Using the DNA sequences of several organisms, determine common ancestry between organisms
Are any of the organisms below a possible common ancestor? This is DNA taken from a mouse: AAT AGC TCG TAG TAA CGT CAT TGA CCG TAA Are any of the organisms below a possible common ancestor? Organism 1: GAT TCA AGC TAA TAG CGT CAG TGA CCT TAT Organism 2: GGA TCT TAG AGC TAA CGG CAG GCA TAG CCT Organism 3: AAT AGC TAG TAG TAA CGT CAA TGA CCA TAA
Are any of the following organisms a possible ancestor? This is the sequence of amino acids taken from human DNASER GLY ILE GLY VAL TYR GLY ALA VAL SER ILE ILE GLY Are any of the following organisms a possible ancestor? Organism 1: GGG TCA CCA CCG CGA ATT CCT CGG CAA TCG TAA GAA CCG Organism 2: AGA CCG TAG CCA CAA ATA CCA CGA CAA TCG TAA TAG CCG Organism 3: AAA AAG TAA TCT CAA ATG TCT CGT CAA TCA TAA TGA GGC