Intervention or interference Supporting staff Ann Robertson and Mandy Malcolmson
Workshop 5 Supervision and Support of staff providing services. Welcome to........ Workshop 5 Supervision and Support of staff providing services.
Aims of the Workshop Examine what choices and behaviours may challenge individual values. Exploring how staff feel and whether it is intervention or interference? Explore good practice in supporting front line staff.
Things to consider..... Balancing........... The human right to be protected with the right to privacy and individual life choices. Agencies responses to adults who make choices that cause anxiety for others. Duty of care as a service provider and as an individual. Adult Support and Protection / Adult at Risk
What would stop staff from reporting concerns?
What would stop staff from reporting concerns? Fear of retribution Fear of breaking confidence Fear of destroying relationships Fear of being wrong Not wanting to be involved Unsure of what to do
Questions to answer during case studies..... What should the staff / services do? What would constitute Intervention? What would constitute Interference? How would you support the staff members involved in this case?
How do we empower staff to raise concerns?
How do we empower staff to raise concerns? Listening to staff Training and developing staff Open door policy Staff meetings One to one discussions Safe environment Feedback
How do we get better at working together Communication Professional conduct Avoid blame culture Everyone accepting responsibility Being person centred Responding appropriately to concerns
Information for plenary session Training Service Delivery Multi-disciplinary Working Other