AP European History
Why Europe?
The Story So Far
Essential Question How did the events to the late 14th century and 15th century mark a turning point in Europe?
States Although England and France were sovereign states, most of Europe was fragmented and loyalty to the king was more important than national identity. Feudalism was still practiced in most every region. Large towns were largely independent of the local ruler.
Medieval Life
Types of Law There were three systems of law Civil: Decree by ruler. Canon: The laws of the church. Customary: Local customs made into code. This is referencing decisions made by other justices.
Two Churches Most of Europe was either Catholic or Orthodox. After the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 only Russia, Greece, and some of the Balkans remained majority Orthodox. Christianity gave Europe a common culture.
Islam in Europe The Ottoman Empire will be the main conduit of Islam in Europe. The Ottomans will control most of the Balkans, all of North Africa, and part of Spain in 1450.
Scholasticism A late medieval philosophy that tried to balance human reason and logic with Christianity. With the rediscovery of Aristotle many sought to use both faith and logic to explain church doctrine. The most famous of these was Saint Thomas Aquinas.
Black Death 1 in 3 people died Hit western Europe through Italy then spread to Spain and France.
Late Middle Ages
Rise of the Middle Class The black plague brought about a new middle class Population will grow after the Black Death which will lead to urbanization. This class was made of merchants and traders To help regulate the craftsmen guilds were developed Guilds: 1. Set standard of quality 2. Control wages and prices 3. Train apprentices
Medieval Worldview God is pure intelligence Angels have pure intelligence Nobles are blessed with higher intelligence Commoners are capable of intelligence Plants do not have intelligence