ENTERTAINMENT SEGMENTATION MARKET SIZE ENTERTAINMENT SEGMENTATION 20% 16% 4% 3% % OF GB POP ENTERTAINMENT LOVERS FILM LOVERS THEATRE LOVERS MUSIC LOVERS Groups based on those who go to the cinema, theatre or music concerts once a month or more Base: All Adults 15+ Source: GB TGI 2016
Source: GB TGI 2016 Base: All Adults 15+
MEDIA CONSUMPTION Newspapers Radio Magazines Television Outdoor Media Online Source: GB TGI 2016 Base: All Adults 15+
TOP MAGAZINES – By index FILM THEATRE MUSIC 220 Triathlon 335 Esquire 329 Mixmag 319 Match 304 Total Film 302 T3 301 Empire 296 Brides 295 Prima Baby & 292 Pregnancy 10. Performance Bikes 283 Mixmag 986 220 Triathlon 974 Angler’s Mail 963 SuperBike 945 ELLE Decoration 424 Prima Baby & Pregnancy 917 Performance Bikes 905 Esquire 898 EVO 872 Trout & Salmon 859 Mojo 292 SuperBike 287 NME 278 BBC Music 283 Top of the Pops 285 Tractor & Machiner 255 Wedding 265 Mixmag 338 Performance Bikes 296 You & Your Wedding 219 Source: GB TGI 2016 Base: All Adults 15+
38% 104% more likely to be heavy spenders of skincare and cosmetics more likely to upgrade their mobile phone every 12 months ENTERTAINMENT LOVERS Source: GB TGI 2016