The expert panel has discussed: AGENDA The expert panel has discussed: the acceptance of the GB and the “Maintenance Plan” the proposal by TNO for co-leader the EP and a subdivision of responsabilities
Acceptance of the Guidebook Considered that The ten “yet to be approved” chapters have been amended, and also other chapters have been updated The list of observations produced by some EP members, was taken by TNO and either corrected critical errors, or stored issues so that they can be addressed in the maintenance plan The EP reccomends to accept all the remaining chapters and so all the GB and recognized that further improvements will be necessary
Improvement plan The EP propose to refer to Improvement (not Maintenance) plan The EP leader has produce a draft proposal of improvement plan that is been preliminary discussed in the EP meeting The draft will be circulated in this week Comments are requested in two weeks to prepare the final draft for the TFEIP executive
Improvement plan general task Revise units for all EFs using: g/XX for main pollutants, mg/XX for HMs, IPA; ug/XX for PCB, HCB; ng I-TEQ//XX for PCDD/F Maintain SNAP nomenclature Improve the quality of PM, HM and POP inventory Improve distribution of size of PM before abatement To clarify what is the relation between Tiers in respect of central estimate confidence intervals Improve GB transparency removing reference to document that refer to others review (i.e. Guidebook, 2006 or CEPMEIP)
Structure of EP The EP discuss about the possibility of subdivide the panel in two or more ones The EP decide to continue with one single EP The EP accept the proposal of TNO to co-leader the EP The EP decide to subdivide the EP leaders responsabilities between the two leader as indicated in the next slides (green existing EP leader, orange new EP leader and purple to decide)