Emerging Technologies PGDip UX Design & Applied Innovation
Who Am I? Mark Cullen www.markycullen.com Mark.cullen@lyit.ie Illustration, Advertising, animation, games, teaching. VR, AR, Real time rendering, photgrammetry. Art + Technology. Content Creation. Technology and Platform Usage Daddy
What's this about then? Well... Emerging Technologies Exploring current trends and usages Reviewing platforms and technology Understanding Limitations and possibilities Interlinking current tech Developing prototypes and selling your idea.
How does this work? Choose a Technology or sub set thereof Analyse and review Development Pipeline Pitch and idea using tech Create prototype (group or Individual)
Timeline of work Week 1 (21-1-2019) - Introduction to Review Brief Week 4 (18-2-2019) - Presentations of review Week 6 (4-3-2019) - Prototype presentations Week 14 (TBC) - Presentation and exhibition of prototypes
Brief1- Technology Review Introduce the technology Where is it currently being used? Examples? Who are the key players? Comparison of tech? (Tech Grid) What is the development pipeline? (generalised) Conclusion and Future Devs? A lit review is a good example.
Some Ideas perhaps? Blockchain Outside Crypto Currency Real Time Virtual Reality Virtual Reality, film and Storytelling Projection mapping 3d and marker based Augmented reality Location and feature triggered AR Photogrammetry Rapid Prototyping and the Maker Labs What Come after Facebook? Raspberry Pi. ART + Technology
Questions and Stuff?