TOP TIPS for working with ‘THE MEDIA’ CATHY LE FEUVRE Communities Producer BBC JERSEY
What is ‘Media’? ‘the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet) regarded collectively’ Radio, TV, print, internet Social Media
What attracts the ‘Media’? Something interesting / different informative /educational / relevant ‘fun’ Someone interesting /different /fun knowledgeable engaging /relevant
What attracts the ‘Media’? Stories …………… people /personalities places predicaments /tension
Sharing stories? interesting stories inspirational stories transformational stories unusual / surprising stories
Sharing YOUR story Who ? What ? When ? Where ? Why ? How ? (don’t forget to add your contact details!!!)
Different approaches TV – action/moving pics, short interviews Radio – voices, conversation/debate, sound fx, action Print – people / photos Internet – all of the above Social Media
Where do media get their ideas / stories? information from people like you! general public States / official agencies ‘diary’ events other media conversations with people like you! personal contacts/interests social media
How do media get their stories? official press releases e-mails / letters invitations conversations – follow up with written word own contacts / inspiration social media messages / direct messaging general rooting around on the internet / being nosy
Different approaches Social media / Internet Radio – voices, conversation/debate, sound fx, action TV – moving pics, short interviews Print – people / photos
"Social media is the 21st century town square.”
Media shapes our world…. And unless we are in the (media) world… we will be unable to make an impact
Do I really need the mainstream ‘media’? depends on your target audience widens your audience / general messaging alternative means of message delivery some people (still) not online!
Not only… but also push out your story to your constituents/circle respond/monitor social media keep talking to the media keep trying when you don’t at first succeed with media follow up media contact … or lack of it …!
On your marks…. Get involved in media / be bold Keep informed / be relevant to changing times Ask yourself – might my opinion be important to a debate? Be Prepared!
Get set…. Know your story/ know what you want to say Know your limits / what you don’t feel able to contribute Know your audience Know your media … those different approaches
Be confident Be ready Be …. AVAILABLE! GO…. Be confident Be ready Be …. AVAILABLE!
TOP TIPS for working with the Media Questions? CATHY LE FEUVRE Communities Producer BBC JERSEY