A Problem Solving Approach Using Case Studies Pennacool.com A Problem Solving Approach Using Case Studies
Case 1 Mrs. Robert has presently integrated pennacool.com into her class, and is enjoying the ease at which she is now teaching. Pennacool.com has a teacher analytics tool that analyses the individual student’s progress, as well as the class as a whole. She can readily track her students’ performance over various practice exercises using the Teacher’s Report. This resource is relatively easy to read and understand. She becomes daunted however, when several weeks elapses without checking the report. She is unsure on how to proceed. Recommend a solution. (Continued on next slide)
Case 1 continued You can also try answering the following questions What could she have done differently so as to be better equipped to maximize the use of this resource? Upon interpretation of the information within the teacher’s report what appropriate actions should be taken? Do you believe that teacher intervention spaced intermittently is better than analysis on one big assessment fewer times per school term?
Case 2 Modern Town School for Boys has whole school wireless coverage but recently they have been experiencing slow Internet performance. The problem is worsened during peak periods of congestion. The use of laptops and tablets in the classroom combined with online learning programs, video and cloud storage applications is resulting in poor internet performance. It takes students in excess of 15 minutes just to log on to the pennacool.com website. The situation is causing as much as 30% of classroom time to be wasted. (Continued on next slide)
Case 2 continued In addition, it is virtually impossible to upload or download any files, regardless of how small. Teachers are becoming more and more frustrated. With a limited budget and no internal IT resources or support, the school needed a cost-effective, easy to manage solution that would start working immediately. Provide a plan of action.
Case 3 Since the emergence of handheld computing devices, Mrs. Ramnarine has been romancing the idea of introducing tablets and phones into her classroom. After hearing about pennacool.com from one of her students who won a voucher, she has begun to consider the potential for students to use their own devices in school, for learning purposes. A large percentage of her students already own some sort of smart device. Many have devices that can use wifi, have cameras and have a wide range of apps installed. (Continued on next slide)
Case 3 continued Rather than the school buying devices for every student (often beyond financial reach), allowing the students to use their own device could bring many potential benefits. Nevertheless, there are many pitfalls that await if this is not done correctly. Help Mrs. Ramnarine is to turn her classroom into a blended learning environment. The stakes are high, so advise her well.
Case 4 The Head of Department at your school has comment on your initiative to use pennaccol.com in your classroom, scoffing at your “NO TECHNOLOGY ZONE” posters. He has been heard referring to the Bring Your Own Device approach as “Bring Your Own Distraction“. He is even sharing his opinion with other members of staff who are voicing opposition too. of a ban, what could be your next step? (Continued on next slide)
Case 4 continued The truth is students come with their devices loaded with plenty of games, social networking apps, inappropriate content, and who knows what else. Identify some plausible reasons for this situation and generate a solution to this problem. Despite having drawn up a policy document, you have been unable to limit or prevent this type of abuse. Outside of a ban, what could be your next step?
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