presented by Zed mossburg Moldy bread presented by Zed mossburg
Questions What condition would mold grow faster
Background …… Back Ground For my 7 grade science fair project I chose moldy bread because I it looked cool and so i could see how to make bread mold and how long it would take to mold ~-~ +_+
hypothesis: If i had mold for 10 days. Then what condition would grow mold the best.
Variables: bread water air sunlight dark bags… ind: conditions dep: mold growth con: bread bags and conditions
procedure: 4 bread 1 with water in bag 1 with bag 1 with air and 1 with no light, water and bag
&_& 4 3 2 1 key: = line = mold 0 1 2 3 4
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 My graph of moldy bread data 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
CONCLUSION !@!@ +_+ My question was under what condition does mold grow best. first we take piece of bread leave bag open and put it in the window sill. Then take piece of bread put in baggy leave open and leave it in dark cabinet. Then take piece of bread put in the baggy and put it in the window and add a teaspoon of water to the water to the bag every day. Finally check your examples for mold every day,.. + _+ &_& *_*