International Urban cooperation


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Presentation transcript:

International Urban cooperation C3 PAIRING CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO & CANTABRIA, Spain Omar Saucedo Macías & Paz Díaz Nieto,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OUTLINE Pairing objective Main milestones priorities Transformative activities 5 6 Key actions timeline 7 8 LESSONS LEARNED Dos & don’ts


Pairing OBJECTIVE Overall pairing objective To boost exchange of best practices and and share information about the following topics: smart manufacturing, smart government, smart cities and digital tourism Results and impacts to be achieved Strengthen Chihuahuas’s R&D&I system Support the generation of innovation networks (public-private collaboration) Strengthen the already existing clusters and establishment of collaboration networks Development of entrepreneurship strategies based on the experience generated by the Government of Cantabria in the PCTCAN and with the support of other relevant regional actors such as the CISE (International Center for Entrepreneurship of the Bank of Santander), which has already begun to develop some initiatives in the Latin American region and with Mexico in specific.


MILESTONES After a first visit in Chihuahua, the main milestones of the pairing action are: Visit from the Medical Device and Information Technologies Cluster representatives (from El Paso and Ciudad Juarez) Signature of an specific MOU to create an Innovation and Entrerpreneurship Center in Chihuahua’s State Select at least a digital solution in Chihuahua’s state to be transformed


PRIORITIES Key priorities of the pairing 1. To put in value the smart specialization strategy designed by the EU as an exportable model for improving competitiveness in an environment (Chihuahua) that is heavily influenced by US work methodologies; 2. To obtain greater positioning of the region on an international scale, in a market historically linked to Cantabria’s region; 3. To generate contact networks at public and private levels that could generate larger projects in the mid-term; 4. To consolidate the smart specialization strategy implemented by the Regional Government of Cantabria, favoring the exchange of best practices and the acquisition of a global vision that will undoubtedly be valuable for the actors involved; 5. To support the growth of the added value of the participating actors and, in particular, of some research centers (Component Center, CISE for Entrepreneurship, etc.) 6. To increase the international presence of the Cantabrian clusters involved by facilitating the development of joint cooperation projects in the medium-long term. 7. In the mid-term, to facilitate the international insertion of SMEs in Cantabria in the Mexican market, creating a greater synergy and interest of Mexican stakeholders in our region. 8. To develop scientific research and dissemination of the main results of this inter-institutional collaboration.


TRANSFORMATIVE ACTIVITIES Transformative activities for each defined priority in the previous section Collaboration and promotion platform Conclude the business opportunities assessment Start up platform Promotion platform Accomplish financial platform Meeting with the CISE (International Center and Santander Entrepreneurship) authorities to define a possible agreement Available infrastructure and equipment in Juarez, Chihuahua to install a CISE platform Adopt a digital solution for smart cities and tourism Identify actual solutions in existing process in Cantabria Select the most feasible to implement Initiate the implementation in Chihuahua


KEY ACTIONS Key actions that shall be taken for each defined transformative activity Visit Cantabria, Spain with the key representatives from Chihuahua to manage the priorities mentioned before At this moment, the Regional Government through DG innovation is focused in developing the new Innovation Strategy 2016-2030, a strategy we have designed, and whose main objective is to make innovation the main engine of the region's competitiveness. Cantabria’s region is focused on establishing the bases of an open innovation system. Innovation must function as a dynamic ecosystem, in which all agents get to know each other, exchange information, face common challenges and benefit, each in its own area, from the results obtained. We have 2 main projects: Cantabria’s Factoría del Futuro Plan, focused on everything related to the digital transformation of our industrial fabric Cantabria’s Bioeconomy Plan. We are also working on projects to strengthen and establish an innovative regional public purchasing system, and in the development and implementation of technological surveillance systems. Responsibilities and funding Coordination between Cantabria´s authorities and Chihuahua´s Government. Funding will be sponsored by the European Union (GIZ) and the private sector


Key objective of the Pairing Action Timeline (1 year) Main Milestones Sector / Area / Theme Key objective of the Pairing Action Timeline (1 year) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 Visit from the Medical Device and Information and Technologies Cluster´s representatives Cantabria & Chihuahua Boost throughout the information of technologies the entrepreneurship and innovation in three categories: smart manufacturing, smart government, smart cities and digital tourism   X  Generate a MOU between Technologies Cluster  X Understanding of the memorandum for the importance to establish the headquarter of the innovation and entrepreneurship center in Chihuahua´s state Select at least a digital solution in Chihuahua´s state Overall objective of the Pairing Action Priorities Transformative Activities Actions Provide and innovate high value for the diversification of CHIHUAHUA– EUROPE, CANTABRIA- AMERICA CHIH EUROPA, CANTABRIAAMERICA Collaboration and promotion platform Conclude the business opportunities assessment Visit Cantabria, Spain with the key representatives from Chihuahua to manage the priorities mentioned before. Coordination between Cantabria´s authorities and Chihuahua´s Government. Funding will be sponsored by European Union (GIZ) and private sector Start up and promotion platform Accomplish financial platform Meeting with the CISE (International Center and Santander Entrepreneurship) authorities to define a possible agreement Available infrastructure and equipment in Juarez, Chihuahua to install a CISE platform  Adopt a digital solution for smart cities and tourism Identify actual solutions in process in Cantabria Select the most feasible to implement Initiate the implementation in Chihuahua


LESSONS LEARNED Main lessons learned Existance of the collaboration opportunities between the Cantabria and Chihuahua´s regions due to the complementary economic activities for example: Chihuahua´s state is highly dependent in foreign investment but has the need to create and develop SME´s technology based, while in the other hand, Cantabria is not dependent of foreign investment but is strong in its SME´s At the moment, the Chihuahua State is in process of the construction and equipment of the innovation and technology development centers while Cantabria has the experience that can be of help to Chihuahua´s state needs Chihuahua state represents a possible access for the southern United States and Mexico´s existing demand for the Cantabria SME´s


DOS & DON’TS What should be repeated and what should be avoided in the pairing action in order to help other region pairings to flourish and achieve actual results and impacts DOs Assign complementary regions like this case Esential participation from the government, academy and private sector Key participation of decision makers DONT´s Avoid starting the collaboration without having a detailed assessment Avoid starting the collaboration without a pre defined timing