Outline Announcements File Management Directories File Systems Structured files Low-level file implementations Directories File Systems
Announcements Final exam will be cumulative Lab3 The split between the before-midterm and after will be around 30% (before-midterm) and 70 % (after-midterm) Lab3 I made some of the codes I have available to you http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~liux/courses/cop4610/assignments/lab3_code or on program or linprog at ~liux/public_html/courses/cop4610/assignments/lab3_code A demo program that is only implemented the functionality partially ~liux/public_html/courses/cop4610/assignments/lab3 on on program or linprog 4/7/2019 COP4610
Announcements – cont. If you have not signed to demonstrate your lab2, please do so If none of the available slots works for you, please contact Yong Chen for an appointment You have to do the demonstration on or before November 26, 2003 After that, it will be graded solely based on source code and test results you turned in and the worst cases will be assumed if there are any questions 4/7/2019 COP4610
Announcements – cont. Scheduling for the remaining semester Homework #5 will be due on Nov. 25, 2003 Lab3 will be due on Dec. 3, 2003 Quiz #3 will be on Nov. 25, 2003 (About deadlocks and memory management) Finish file system today Finish memory management in three lectures One lecture on protection and security Dec. 2 will cover some advanced topics in distributed operating systems Dec. 4 will have a final review 4/7/2019 COP4610
Announcements – cont. There will be no class on Nov. 11 and no recitation on Nov. 12 There will be no class on Nov. 27 (thanksgiving) and no recitation class on Nov. 26 I plan also NOT to have the recitation class on Nov. 19 If there is a need, we will have 4/7/2019 COP4610
Operating System Components 4/7/2019 COP4610
Why Programmers Need Files Persistent storage Shared device HTML Editor <head> … </head> <body> </body> Web Browser Structured information Can be read by any application Accessibility Protocol foo.html File Manager 4/7/2019 COP4610
File system context 4/7/2019 COP4610
Fig 13-2: The External View of the File Manager Application Program CreateFile() ReadFile() CloseHandle() SetFilePointer() WriteFile() mount() write() open() close() read() lseek() File Mgr Device Mgr Memory Mgr Process Mgr File Mgr Device Mgr Memory Mgr Process Mgr UNIX Windows Hardware 4/7/2019 COP4610
Levels in a file system 4/7/2019 COP4610
Information Structure 4/7/2019 COP4610
Logical structures in a file 4/7/2019 COP4610
Low-Level Files 4/7/2019 COP4610
File systems File system A data structure on a disk that holds files actually a file system is in a disk partition a technical term different from a “file system” as the part of the OS that implements files File systems in different OSs have different internal structures 4/7/2019 COP4610
A file system layout 4/7/2019 COP4610
File system descriptor The data structure that defines the file system Typical fields size of the file system (in blocks) size of the file descriptor area first block in the free block list location of the file descriptor of the root directory of the file system times the file system was created, last modified, and last used 4/7/2019 COP4610
File system layout variations MS/DOS uses a FAT (file allocation table) file system so does the Macintosh OS (although the MacOS layout is different) New UNIX file systems use cylinder groups (mini-file systems) to achieve better locality of file data 4/7/2019 COP4610
Locating file data The logical file is divided into logical blocks Each logical block is mapped to a physical disk block The file descriptor contains data on how to perform this mapping there are many methods for performing this mapping we will look at several of them 4/7/2019 COP4610
Dividing a file into blocks 4/7/2019 COP4610
Contiguous Allocation Each file occupies a set of contiguous blocks on the disk Simple – only starting location and length are required Random access Wasteful of space (dynamic storage-allocation problem) Files cannot grow Mapping from logical to physical Block to be accessed = Q + starting address Displacement into block = R R LA/512 Q 4/7/2019 COP4610
A contiguous file 4/7/2019 COP4610
A contiguous file – cont. 4/7/2019 COP4610
Allocation Strategies Best fit Chooses the minimum contiguous block that is large enough First fit Chooses the contiguous block that is large enough Worst fit Chooses the maximum contiguous block that is large enough 4/7/2019 COP4610
Keeping a file in pieces We need a block pointer for each logical block, an array of block pointers block mapping indexes into this array Each file is a linked list of disk blocks But where do we keep this array? usually it is not kept as contiguous array the array of disk pointers is like a second related file (that is 1/1024 as big) 4/7/2019 COP4610
Block pointers in the file descriptor 4/7/2019 COP4610
Block pointers in contiguous disk blocks 4/7/2019 COP4610
Block pointers in the blocks 4/7/2019 COP4610
Block pointers in the blocks – cont. 4/7/2019 COP4610
Block pointers in an index block 4/7/2019 COP4610
Block pointers in an index block – cont. 4/7/2019 COP4610
Chained index blocks 4/7/2019 COP4610
Two-level index blocks 4/7/2019 COP4610
Two-level index blocks – cont. primary index secondary index table data blocks 4/7/2019 COP4610
UNIX Hybrid Method inode Data Index mode owner … Direct block 0 Single indirect Double indirect Triple indirect Index UNIX Hybrid Method
Inverted disk block index (FAT) 4/7/2019 COP4610
DOS FAT Files … File Descriptor File Access Table (FAT) 43 254 107 Disk Block File Descriptor … 43 107 254 File Access Table (FAT) 4/7/2019 COP4610
Free-Space Management Bit vector (n blocks) 1 2 n-1 … 1 block[i] free 0 block[i] occupied bit[i] = First free block number (number of bits per word) * (number of 0-value words) + offset of first 1 bit 4/7/2019 COP4610
Free-Space Management - cont. Bit map requires extra space. Example: block size = 212 bytes disk size = 230 bytes (1 gigabyte) n = 230/212 = 218 bits (or 32K bytes) Easy to get contiguous files Linked list (free list) Cannot get contiguous space easily No waste of space 4/7/2019 COP4610
Free list organization 4/7/2019 COP4610
Free-Space Management - cont. Need to protect: Pointer to free list Bit map Must be kept on disk Copy in memory and disk may differ. Cannot allow for block[i] to have a situation where bit[i] = 0 in memory and bit[i] = 1 on disk. Solution: Set bit[i] = 0 in disk. Allocate block[i] Set bit[i] = 0 in memory 4/7/2019 COP4610
Implementing Low Level Files Secondary storage device contains: Volume directory (sometimes a root directory for a file system) External file descriptor for each file The file contents Manages blocks Assigns blocks to files (descriptor keeps track) Keeps track of available blocks Maps to/from byte stream 4/7/2019 COP4610
Disk Organization … … … … … … … … Boot Sector Volume Directory Blk0 Blk1 … Blkk-1 Track 0, Cylinder 0 … Blkk Blkk+1 Blk2k-1 Track 0, Cylinder 1 … … Blk Blk Blk Track 1, Cylinder 0 … … Blk Blk Blk Track N-1, Cylinder 0 … … Blk Blk Blk Track N-1, Cylinder M-1 4/7/2019 COP4610
Low-level File System Architecture Block 0 b0 b1 b2 b3 … … bn-1 . . . Sequential Device Randomly Accessed Device 4/7/2019 COP4610
File Descriptors External name Current state Sharable Owner User Locks Protection settings Length Time of creation Time of last modification Time of last access Reference count Storage device details 4/7/2019 COP4610
An open() Operation Locate the on-device (external) file descriptor Extract info needed to read/write file Authenticate that process can access the file Create an internal file descriptor in primary memory Create an entry in a “per process” open file status table Allocate resources, e.g., buffers, to support file usage 4/7/2019 COP4610
File Manager Data Structures Keep the state of the process-file session 2 Copy info from external to the open file descriptor 1 Open File Descriptor Process-File Session 3 Return a reference to the data structure External File Descriptor 4/7/2019 COP4610
Opening a UNIX File On-Device File Descriptor Open File Table fid = open(“fileA”, flags); … read(fid, buffer, len); 0 stdin 1 stdout 2 stderr 3 ... Open File Table File structure inode Internal File Descriptor On-Device File Descriptor 4/7/2019 COP4610
Reading and Writing the Byte Stream Two stages Reading bytes into or writing bytes out of the memory copy of the block Reading the physical blocks into or writing them out of memory from/to storage devices Packing or unmarshalling procedure converts secondary storage blocks into a byte stream Unpacking or marshalling procedure converts a byte stream into blocks 4/7/2019 COP4610
Marshalling the Byte Stream Must read at least one buffer ahead on input Must write at least one buffer behind on output Seek flushing the current buffer and finding the correct one to load into memory Inserting/deleting bytes in the interior of the stream 4/7/2019 COP4610
File Block Buffering Storage devices use block I/O and files place an explicit order on the bytes Therefore, it is possible to predict what is likely to be read after a byte When file is opened, manager reads as many blocks ahead as feasible After a block is logically written, it is queued for writing behind, whenever the disk is available Buffering has an enormous effect on the overall performance of the system Buffer pool – usually variably sized, depending on virtual memory needs Interaction with the device manager and memory manager 4/7/2019 COP4610
Supporting Other Storage Abstractions Low-level file systems avoid encoding record-level functionality If applications use very large or very small records, a generic file manager may not be efficient Some operating systems provide a higher-layer file system to support applications with large or small files Database management systems and multimedia documents are examples 4/7/2019 COP4610
Structured Files 4/7/2019 COP4610
Record-Oriented Sequential Files 4/7/2019 COP4610
Electronic Mail Example 4/7/2019 COP4610
Indexed Sequential Files 4/7/2019 COP4610
Database Management Systems A database is a very highly structured set of information Stored across different files Optimized to minimize access time DBMSs implementation Some DBMSs use the normal files provided by the OS for generic use Some use their own storage device block 4/7/2019 COP4610
Disk compaction 4/7/2019 COP4610
Memory-mapped Files A file’s contents are mapped directly into the virtual address space Files can be read from or written to by referencing the corresponding virtual addresses Memory-mapped files are very useful when a file is shared or accessed repeatedly 4/7/2019 COP4610
Memory-mapped Files – cont. 4/7/2019 COP4610
Directories A directory is a set of logically associated files and other directories of files Directories are the mechanism we use to organize files The file manager provides a set of commands to manage directories Traverse a directory Enumerate a list of all files and nested directories 4/7/2019 COP4610
Directory Structures How should files be organized within directory? Flat name space All files appear in a single directory Hierarchical name space Directory contains files and subdirectories Each file/directory appears as an entry in exactly one other directory -- a tree Popular variant: All directories form a tree, but a file can have multiple parents. 4/7/2019 COP4610
Directory Structures 4/7/2019 COP4610
Directory Structures – cont. 4/7/2019 COP4610
A directory tree 4/7/2019 COP4610
Directory Implementation Device Directory A device can contain a collection of files Easier to manage if there is a root for every file on the device -- the device root directory File Directory Typical implementations have directories implemented as a file with a special format Entries in a file directory are handles for other files (which can be files or subdirectories) 4/7/2019 COP4610
Directory Implementation Linear list of file names with pointer to the data blocks. simple to program time-consuming to execute Hash Table – linear list with hash data structure. decreases directory search time collisions – situations where two file names hash to the same location fixed size 4/7/2019 COP4610
Mounting file systems Each file system has a root directory We can combine file systems by mounting that is, link a directory in one file system to the root directory of another file system This allows us to build a single tree out of several file systems This can also be done across a network, mounting file systems on other machines 4/7/2019 COP4610
UNIX mount Command FS mount FS at foo / bin usr etc foo bill nutt abc blah cde xyz FS mount FS at foo 4/7/2019 COP4610
Mounting a file system 4/7/2019 COP4610
VFS-based File Manager File System Independent Part of File Manager Exports OS-specific API Virtual File System Switch MS-DOS Part of File Manager ISO 9660 Part of ext2 Part of … 4/7/2019 COP4610
NFS Architecture 4/7/2019 COP4610
Summary File storage methods Directories File Systems Contiguous files File pointers in the file descriptor Contiguous file pointers Chained data blocks Chained single index blocks Double index blocks Triple index blocks Hybrid solutions Directories File Systems 4/7/2019 COP4610