Today’s college campuses reflect the diversity of the U.S. population
What is Diversity??? It is the exploration of differences in a safe, positive, & nurturing environment. It is about the understanding of each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual. It means understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing our individual differences.
What is Diversity cover??? Race Ethnicity Gender Sexual Orientation Socio-Economic Status Age Physical Abilities Religious Beliefs Political Beliefs Or other Ideologies
Icebreaker Activity How are YOU Diverse??? No two people are the exact same. Write down 5 items that make you different from others. Use the categories that we just discussed or think of ones on your own. some suggestions: favorite ice cream flavor or cartoon character, vegetarian, number of pets, special hobby or talent….
Race, Ethnic Groups and Culture Race: generally refers to a group with similar inherited features. Ethnic group: refers to a group that shares language, national origin or religious tradition. Culture: refers to the behaviors and beliefs characteristic shared by a group of people. The ideas and behaviors of an ethnic group, for example, are part of their culture.
The Changing U.S. Population According to the Census Bureau, the U.S. is the only nation in the world where virtually every group represented has its origin in another country. e pluribus unum one out of many
Diversity at UCR U.S. News & World Report 2013 ranked UCR 8th in the nation in diversity. With a Chicano and Latino student population of 28.9%, UCR per law is designated a Hispanic Serving Institution. UCR was named top 100 school for LGBT by The Advocate College Guide. The campus was the first in California to open a staffed LGBT resource center, an LGBT studies minor, and a gender-neutral housing option. The Princeton Review's America's Best Value Colleges (2009) named UCR among the top 123 Best Western Colleges and one of America's Best Value Colleges. UCR was lauded for: UCR’s student body is one of the most diverse in the nation. The campus features clubs and organizations that serve as a uniting influence for a student body from differing backgrounds, providing "forums for the expression and understanding of these differences."
Appreciating Diversity Diversity is the reason that America’s language, food, fashion, music, business, and accomplishments are as rich and varied as they are! Yet… Even in college, people often tend to seek out other people like themselves… College is a tremendous opportunity to meet people unlike yourself! Seek out student groups, volunteer opportunities, and organizations that help meet new people. Research shows that students benefit from positive relations with other students of different racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Diversity on Campus College campuses are among America’s most diverse settings, including both students and faculty. Despite opportunities to mix, people often associate with their “own kind.” Our fear of the unknown may keep us close to those whose background we share. This prevents us from taking advantage of the rich opportunities on campus to meet and learn about people who are different from us.
Broaden Your Diversity Prospective We're all in this together! Getting to know other groups helps to lessen any possibility of fears or doubts. Knowledge is Power
Being Mindful of Others Respect culture and diversity Understand gender issues Respect sexual orientation Improve your relationships with diverse others Different isn’t bad, it’s just different
Discrimination and Prejudice
Ethnicity, Stereotypes, and Prejudice on Campus Many of us sincerely think that we are not prejudiced, but experts believe that every person harbors some prejudices. Stereotypes lead us to view others in limited and limiting ways. There is so more to people than the social roles they play, or the groups to which they belong. We tend to identify with others who are like us, and fear people who are different from us. We tend to be ethnocentric—favoring groups we belong to and tending to think of them as superior. Some of us are also egocentric – thinking we are superior to everyone else. Better to be "just one of the gang!"
Diversity Attitude Scale: Where are you? Celebration “We need each other.” Affirmation “I’ve got something to learn from you.” Civility “I respect your rights.” Tolerance “You have a right to be here.” Intolerance “I’ll work to keep you out” ?
Don’t Put Up with Sexual Harassment It is estimated that two million women currently enrolled in college will experience some form of sexual harassment in their student lives. Sexual harassment includes several behaviors. Gender harassment - sexist remarks and behavior that insult and degrade women, a problem apart from harassment for sex. Seductive behavior - unwanted, inappropriate, and offensive advances. Sexual bribery - harassment for sex, with the threat of punishment for refusal. Every college is required by law to take action against sexual harassment.
Homosexuality and Bisexuality A recent figure estimates that about 2–5% of people are homosexual, and about 1% are bisexual. In most ways the college goals of homosexual and bisexual students are no different from those of heterosexual students. These students do have some difficulties due to their minority status.
Improve Your Relationships with Different Kinds of People Honestly assess your attitudes Put yourself in perspective with others Seek personal contact Respect differences but don’t overlook similarities Search for more knowledge Treat people as individuals rather than stereotyping them Include, don’t exclude