Associate Professor Mr. Basanta Kumar Rai FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA By Milan Dhakal Supervisor Associate Professor Mr. Basanta Kumar Rai External Examiner Assoc. Prof. Birendra Kumar Yadav
Results and discussion Conclusion Recommendation Acknowledgement FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Presentation Outline Introduction Research question Significance of study Limitations of study Results and discussion Conclusion Recommendation Acknowledgement
FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Introduction Nutrition is defined as the science of food and its relationship to health (Park ,2011) Malnutrition can be described as the state of silent emergency (Bansal & Mehra, 1991). Malnutrition is the most recognizable and perhaps most untoward consequence of poverty in children (Goel et al, 2007). According to 2013 UNICEF report, globally 16% of under-five children were underweight. But majority of them resides in two regions of the world; the highest percentage is in South Asia (33%) and Sub-Saharan Africa (21%) (African Union, 2012). In addition, 52 million under five children were wasted and the highest is in South Asia where 16% were wasted (UNICEF, 2013).
Introduction contd… (source: MoHP,2011) FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Introduction contd… Nutritional status of children in Nepal (source: MoHP,2011)
FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Introduction contd… The nutritional status of children in Nepal has improved over the last 10 years. The proportion of stunted children declined from 57 percent in 2001 to 41 percent in 2011 and that of underweight children from 43 to 29 percent in the same period. The proportion of wasted children declined from 13 percent in 2006 to 11 percent in 2011 (MoHP, 2011). Low birth weight, PEM and micronutrient deficiencies are most common form of nutritional problems among under five year children in plain districts of Nepal. Low birth weight, mother’s education, knowledge about the micronutrient, management of diarrhea, feeding practice and complementary practice, marriage, age, economic status are the factor affecting the nutritional status (Dhungana, 2013). Several initiatives such as Growth monitoring, vitamin A distribution, deworming programs have been taken to reduce the impact of nutritional deficiency and promotion of health of under five years children in Nepal.
FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Introduction contd… Panchgachhi VDC lies in Terai region and is located about 9Km south of Mahendra Highway There are 2278 households, 12,301 total population and 959 children below five year of age (Panchgachhi VDC office,2015).
Objectives General objective FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Objectives General objective To assess the factors associated with nutritional status of 6 – 59 months children in Panchgachhi VDC Specific objectives To determine the nutritional status of 6 -59 months children in Panchgachhi VDC. To identify associated factors of malnutrition among children aged 6 – 59 months in Panchgachhi VDC.
FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Research Questions What is the existing nutritional status of 6 – 59 months children in Panchgachhi VDC? What are the factors associated with the nutritional status of 6 – 59 months children in Panchgachhi VDC?
Significance of the study FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Significance of the study Encourage local people to improve current nutritional status Serve as helpful guide to plan suitable nutritional and health programs for this community based on facts and figures discovered from this study. Provide information to government and voluntary institution about nutritional status as well as different demographic factors. Encourage government and stakeholders for the development of programs and policies related to nutrition. Discover the problems related to nutrition, care practices and feeding behavior of this community.
Limitations of the study FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Limitations of the study Small sample size due to time and economic constraints Seasonal variation is not considered Findings cannot be generalized 24 – hour dietary recall was not included Every information given by respondent might not be correct.
Materials and methodology FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Materials and methodology Research Instruments Weighing Machine Stadiometer MUAC Tape Questionnaire Research Method Community based Cross – sectional descriptive study Conducted from 1st to 9th June, 2015 Study Area Panchgachhi VDC, Jhapa Target Population Children aged 6 – 59 months
Materials and methodology contd… FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Materials and methodology contd… Inclusion Criteria 6 – 59 months children of Panchgachhi VDC Exclusion Criteria Disabled and seriously ill children Children who were not available at household during survey Study Variables Dependent: Stunting, Wasting and Underweight Independent: Socio-economic and demographic Child characteristics Child care practices Maternal characteristics Environmental characteristics
Materials and methodology contd… FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Materials and methodology contd… Sampling Techniques 2 wards (8 & 9) were selected by lottery method simple random sampling used for selecting household with at least one 6 – 59 months children Sample Size 97 Formula = Z2 * p(1-p)/d2 Adjusted for finite population 95% level of confidence 10% margin of error Prevalance of malnutrition = 50% 10% non – response rate
Materials and methodology contd… FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Materials and methodology contd… Data Collection Techniques Interview with parent/caretaker of child to obtain data related to factors associated with nutritional status Anthropometric measurements of children a) Date of birth b) Length/ height c) Weight d) MUAC Data Analysis WHO Anthro version 3.2.2 used to determine nutritional status SPSS version 20.0 for statistical analysis Chi – square test applied to test association between nutritional status and its associated factors
Results and discussion FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Results and discussion Out of 97 children, 51 were female and 46 male. Prevalence of malnutrition Moderately stunted 19.6% Severely stunted 10.3% Moderately Wasted 14.4% Severely wasted 6.2% Moderately underweight 12.4% Severely underweight 10.3%
Results and discussion contd… Gender distribution of malnutrition FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Results and discussion contd… Gender distribution of malnutrition Characteristics Male(%) Female(%) All(%) Severely wasted(<-3) 2.3 9.4 6.2 WHZ Moderately wasted (>-3 and <-2) 11.3 17 14.4 Normal 86.4 73.6 79.4 Severely Stunted(<-3) 13.6 7.5 10.3 HAZ Moderately Stunted(>-3 and <-2) 25 15.1 19.6 61.5 77.4 70.1 Severely Underweight(<-3) 11.4 WAZ Moderately Underweight (>-3 and <-2) 13.2 12.4 77.3
Results and discussion contd… Age wise distribution of malnutrition FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Results and discussion contd… Age wise distribution of malnutrition
Results and discussion contd… Distribution of wasting based on MUAC FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Results and discussion contd… Distribution of wasting based on MUAC
Results and discussion contd… FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Results and discussion contd… Distribution of stunting among 6 – 59 months children based on WHO standard
Results and discussion contd… FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Results and discussion contd… Distribution of wasting among 6 – 59 months children based on WHO standard
Results and discussion contd… FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Results and discussion contd… Distribution of underweight among 6 – 59 months children based on WHO standard
Results and discussion contd… FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Results and discussion contd… Distribution of wasting based on MUAC among 6 – 59 months children based on WHO standard
Results and discussion contd… FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Results and discussion contd… 2. Factors Associated with under nutrition Factors Associated with Stunting * Statistically significant P < 0.05 HFA Stunted Normal ℵ2 P value Value Yearly Income Less than 1 lakh 9(27%) 24(73%) 1 lakh to 3 lakh 15(31%) 34(69%) 0.205 0.903 More than 3 lakh 5(33.3%) 10(66.7%) Mother educational status Illiterate 11(35.4%) 20(64.6%) 0.679 0.41 Literate 18(27%) 48(73%) Child Age Group Less than 24 months 12(25.5%) 35(72.5%) 0.829 0.363 More than 24 months 17(34%) 33(66%) Birth Order First Child 18(33.3%) 36(66.7%) 0.686 0.407 Other than first child 11(25.5%) 32(74.5%) Gender Female 11(21.5%) 40(78.5%) 3.559 0.059 Male 18(39%) 28(61%) Breast feeding Status Yes 16(24.2%) 50(74.8%) 1.859 0.173 No 11(38%) 18(62%) Family Size Less than or = 4 19(41.3%) 27(58.7%) 5.432 0.02* More than 4 10(19.6%) 41(80.4%)
Results and discussion contd… FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Results and discussion contd… Factors Associated with wasting * Statistically significant P < 0.05
Results and discussion contd… FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Results and discussion contd… Factors Associated with Underweight * Statistically significant P < 0.05 WFA ℵ2 P Value Underweight Normal Value Annual Income Less than 1 lakh 6(18%) 27(82%) 1 lakh to 3 lakh 14(28.6%) 35(71.4%) 2.09 0.35 More than 3 lakh 2(13.3%) 13(86.7%) Breast feeding status Yes 14(21.2%) 52(78.8%) 0.1 0.752 No 7(24%) 22(76%) Gender Female 12(23.5%) 39(76.5%) 0.04 Male 10(21.7%) 36(78.3%) Family Size Less than or equal to 4 11(24%) 35(76%) 0.07 0.783 more than and equal to 5 11(21.5%) 40(78.5%) Child age Less than 24 months 10(21.3%) 37(78.5%) 0.749 More than 24 months 12(24%) 38(76%) Birth Order First Child 17(31.5%) 37(68.5%) 5.38 0.02* Other than first child 5(11.6%) 38(88.4%) Mother educational status Illiterate 10(32.2%) 21(67.8%) 2.38 0.123 Literate 12(18.2%) 54(81.8%)
FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Conclusion This is the first study conducted in Panchgachhi VDC to determine the nutritional status of 6 – 59 months children and their determinants. Under nutrition is still an important problem among under five children in Panchgachhi VDC. Family size, birth order, current status of breast feeding and child’s age were the risk factors associated with malnutrition in children in study area. Cultural belives, associated with hygiene and child feeding, might be responsible for the cause of malnutrition which is in need of change for improvement of nutritional status. Findings of this study are of great importance as they identify potential actions that can be taken for the imporvement the nutritional status of children. Comprehensive, integrated and multi-sectoral plan should be made for addressing the problem of malnutrition in long term.
FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Recommendations There is need for intervening nutritional and health education program Urgent need for more attention on feeding and hygienic practices Results and findings could be used by stakeholders to formulate nutritional plans and policies Survey of this nature can be carried out at regular intervals for monitoring and improvement of nutritional status of the community Public awareness programs could be launched to improve anit- natal and post natal care of mother Cross-sectional or longitudinal survey can be conducted to determine the magnitude, distribution and other probable causes of malnutrition.
Acknowledgements Associate Professor Mr. Basanta Kumar Rai FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 6 – 59 MONTHS CHILDREN IN PANCHGACHHI VDC, JHAPA Acknowledgements Associate Professor Mr. Basanta Kumar Rai Supervisor, Central Campus of Technology Mr. Dambar B Khadka, HOD, Nutrition & Dietetics Central Campus of Technology All faculty members of Nutrition & Dietetics All the respondents. Juniors and Friends.