Welcome to Open House! In 7th-grade Social Studies, we learn about… Geography History Government Economics … in 3 world regions: Southwest Asia (the Middle East) Africa Southern and Eastern Asia
You may want to know… Homework – Given 2-3 times a week Check the blog for updates Late Work – 10% each school day it is late Check for missing assignments if you are absent Help Sessions – Friday mornings @ 8:15 or by appointment Quiz and test make-ups or re-takes Grading – 40% Tests/Summatives 25% Quizzes/Formatives 25% Daily Work 10% Homework
Keeping in touch… Contact Information: email: Virginia.McAnear@cobbk12.org phone: 770-578-2740 blog: www.cobblearning.net/missmac school website: http://www.cobbk12.org/EastCobb/ online gradebook: https://parentvue.cobbk12.org/Login_Parent_PXP.aspx If you have a specific question or concern that we didn’t have time to address this evening, please feel free to contact me via email OR send me a note with your student OR leave me a voicemail.
Helping you stay informed… REMIND announcements
Classroom wants – Tissues Hand sanitizer Fun size candy (in wrappers) Help if you can… Classroom wants – Tissues Hand sanitizer Fun size candy (in wrappers)