CTE EMIS Conference October 19, 2018


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Presentation transcript:

CTE EMIS Conference October 19, 2018 Data Appeals CTE EMIS Conference October 19, 2018

Topics Data Appeals Data Review & Verification process Frequently Asked Questions & Helpful Reminders Upcoming CTE Specific Data Appeals Questions

EMIS Data Appeals

New webpage. Information available to districts about current and upcoming appeals

When To File An Appeal If ‘substantive’ errors are found after a collection closes: Evaluate the reporting issue by considering the impact on Report Card and/or Funding Determine whether to appeal If errors are found before a collection closes: Correct the issues in your SIS Continue data submission

In SAFE Log into SAFE, click “Forms”

In the Forms Application Select Data Appeal Select Year, Click Search

Data Appeal Forms Similar format Five sections to complete

Approval The form must be approved to be submitted for review Must press OK, if not this will not go through

EMIS Data Review & Verification

Why are superintendents asked to sign off on EMIS data? Superintendents are legally required to review and certify the quality of data. Ohio Revised Code requires districts to report data in the statewide education management information system (EMIS) as outlined in ORC 3301.0714. Ohio Administrative Code 3301-14-01 (G) requires district Superintendents and Treasurer to verify and approve all EMIS data for reporting purposes. Ohio Revised Code 3317.03 (B) requires district Superintendents to certify average daily membership (ADM) figures in the Funding Certification Report used to calculate funding. Ohio Revised Code 5705.391 in accordance with sections 3319.31 and 3319.311 of the Revised Code, may limit, suspend, or revoke a license as defined under section 3319.31 of the Revised Code that has been issued to any school employee found to have willfully contributed erroneous, inaccurate, or incomplete data required for the submission of the five-year projection required by this section. 

Data Review & Verification Forms Similar format Four sections to complete

Who is required to approve the data review/appeal: Fill out and save form: EMIS Coordinator Superintendent or Superintendent Designee Approve the form (submits form to ODE): Finance – Treasurer (only) Funding – Treasurer (first), Superintendent (second) All Others – Superintendent (only) Finance appeal is just the treasurer, for both filling it out and submitting it

Frequently Asked Questions…

How does the Department notify districts of an open data review or appeal? EdConnection EMIS Newsflash Twitter Data Review/Appeals webpages

Where are step-by-step instructions for completing the data review/appeal? Use the link

How can I verify my data review/appeal is successfully submitted? The Completion Status of the form must be “Superintendent Approved” Includes sample in which the district did not submit one appeal but did submit the second appeal

Benefits to Submitting Appeals Earlier in Appeal Window The sooner you submit your appeal the more time you will have to correct your data More opportunities to receive EMIS reports More updated reports in the Secure Data Center

Can I get an extension? Approval can be done online, or even on your cell phone If your Superintendent is unavailable then the Superintendent designee (in OEDS) can approve the form If an EMIS coordinator is out unexpectedly, the Superintendent or Superintendent Designee can fill out the form

Upcoming CTE Specific Data Appeals

CTE Assessment Appeals EMIS is creating a Missing List for CTE Technical Assessments Appeal for Career Tech Accountability Assessment Collection (FY19) (2019ACTSP) Appeal likely in early December Watch for EMIS Newsflash Districts with approved appeals will resubmit data in EMIS

March Concentrator Appeals Purpose: Opportunity to identify 'CTE Program of Concentration' data reporting errors in the past that are causing a student to be excluded from the 2019 March list. Timeframe: Winter. Watch for EMIS Newsflash

Rules for Inclusion in March File Student was funded in a CTE workforce development course aligned to the reported program of concentration during the year that they were reported as a concentrator “Left school" during the 2017-2018 school year Earned a diploma or dropped out

Appeal Spreadsheet

Appeal Spreadsheet Download student spreadsheet with instructions and sample. Accurately and completely, fill out spreadsheet. Failure to do so may result in your appeal not being accepted for further review. Upload completed spreadsheet in the 'Upload Data' section of appeal. Data supplied used to make corrections

Appeal Spreadsheet

File Requirements Data Element Description SSID 9-digit SSID (not local ID) School Year Student was (or should have been) reported as a Concentrator Current Program of Concentration Current program code reported. If none was reported, please indicate "**" New Program of Concentration New program code. Subject Code 6-digit subject code of the CTE class the student received CTE weighted funding as a CTE Concentrator. MUST align to the New Program of Concentration (per the CTE Program Matrix). Did this student graduate or dropout during the 2017-2018 school year? *hint: answer should be “Yes” Student should have either graduated or dropped out during the 2017-2018 school year in order to be included in the 2018 March list.

File Sample SSID School Year Student was (or should have been) reported as a Concentrator Current Program of Concentration New Program of Concentration Subject Code Did this student graduate or dropout during the 2017-2018 school year? AB1234567 2016-2017 A1 A0 010610 YES CD9876543 2015-2016 ** M1 174130 EF4567891 2017-2018 N0 N1 145090

Common Points of Confusion Appeal is only for CTE Program of Concentration element reporting Cannot appeal misreported course master, student-course, student demographic data Cannot dispute CTE 26 or funding data

Common Points of Confusion Student must have “left school” during the 2017-2018 school year This means anytime between the first day of your 2017-18 school year and the first day of the 2018-19 school year If didn’t leave school, then report them as a concentrator during the FY2019 Student Collections Do not submit an appeal

Common Points of Confusion If a student who you reported as a concentrator moves to a new district: Counts at the new district if the new district reports them as a concentrator Counts at your district if the new district does not report them as a concentrator Do not submit an appeal

Common Points of Confusion If student is not on list who you reported as a concentrator, research before appealing: Concentrator code aligns with the subject code the student was enrolled in? Student got CTE weighted funding in that class? Student left school in 2017-18? Verify actually reported the concentrator code?

Common Points of Confusion To remove student from the list who was never a concentrator, use Other Follow-up Status Element (GV660) Option “X” Incorrectly reported as a CTE Concentrator DO NOT APPEAL SUBMIT AN APPEAL

March (D) Data Review & Appeals In April-May, after FY19 March Follow-up (D) Collection closes Placement results Industry Credentials, CTE assessments, etc. Cannot appeal which students are in the March file at this point

Resources For CTE data, policy and calculation related questions, contact the Office of CTE Link to matrices For data review and appeal questions, contact the Office of Data Quality dataquality@education.ohio.gov 614-466-7144



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