Nearly 1 billion people don't have safe water to drink. A child dies every 15 seconds from a lack of clean water. 1 in 4 children who die before age 5 worldwide, die of a water related disease. Children often walk miles every day to collect dirty water to drink.
With your partner come up with some possible solutions to this problem our world is facing right now and record them on your handout. You have five minutes and each group will be expected to share their solutions at the end of the five minutes.
One solution is to recycle water One solution is to recycle water. One means of recycling water is by treating our Wastewater, dirty water, so that it is purified and safe to drink.
Wastewater Wastewater is any water that goes down a drain.
Your Task Today You and your group are to create away to clean up the SLUG water and make it clean for humans to use again. You are only going to be given these materials to do so.
First Filtration
Wastewater Treatment Plant A plant where wastewater is cleaned to make it safe to drink.
There are six steps to wastewater treatment…… First Filtration Coagulation Sedimentation Second Filtration Disinfection Storage
Step 1: First Filtration Wastewater passes through a screen or filter that separates out larger solid materials
Step 2: Coagulation A chemical (alum) is added to water to cause dirt and other particles to clump together. The clumps are called floc.
Step 3: Sedimentation The heavy particles (floc) settle to the bottom.
Step 4: Filtration The water passes through filters made of sand, charcoal, and gravel to help remove smaller particles.
Step 5: Disinfection A small amount of chlorine is added to water to kill bacteria.
Step 6: Storage The water is stored in a tank until the community needs it again.
How Do We Clean Water?
How Do We Clean Water? Which part of the video was similar to what you did with your water? What do you think was the most important part of the process? Why?
Exit Ticket Why do you think treating water is important? How do you think people in other areas of the world clean their water?
Water Treatment around the world Day Two Water Treatment around the world
A. B. C. D. E. F. Word Bank: 1.Sedimentation 2. Storage 3. Coagulation First Filtration B. C. Word Bank: 1.Sedimentation 2. Storage 3. Coagulation 4. First filtration 5. Filtration 6. Disinfection D. E. F.
Public Service In order to help raise awareness about the importance of recycling and protecting water, you will create a poster explaining water treatment in your county
Public Service Countries assigned could include the following: Afghanistan Bangladesh Belarus Brazil Chad Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic Ethiopia Uganda Ukraine Zimbabwe Guyana Iran Jamaica Madagascar Pakistan Rwanda Senegal Somalia Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan
Public Service You will create a poster for their country, describing its water needs and problems associated with them. Consider the following questions:
Public Service What do you think life is like in communities that don’t have a sewer system or proper processes for handling sanitary sewage? What options exist for communities in your country that don’t have technology for treating wastewater? What types of conditions occur as a result of not having wastewater treatment infrastructure in your country?