Department of Curriculum & Instruction Data Day: December 7, 2018
Recap of Data Collection Activities Total Participants in Surveys (Summer, Fall A & Fall Practicum) - 1547 candidates Candidates are given an opportunity to anonymously provide feedback regarding their primary instructor, the content, and, student satisfaction with the course outside of Blackboard via Qualtrics. Data broken down into reports tailored to each instructor by course for individualized feedback. 165 Reports have been created and shared with faculty and instructional teams for continued course improvement.
Fall Practicum & Internship Data Improvements were made as follows: All Courses Integrated with TaskStream Added Stakeholder Perception Survey Integrated Surveys through Qualtrics Implemented New Counseling Standards Data was collected as evidence of a quality experience: Site and Field Supervisor Training Site Supervisor Qualifications Field Supervisor Qualifications, Training, Certificates, Certifications Field Supervisor Evidence of Ongoing Communication Candidate Practicum Locations Candidate Records of Observations: Dates, Time, Field Supervisor Comments Candidate Folders with Artifacts: Logs, Evaluations, Reflections, Final Self-Evaluation TaskStream Reports for Counseling, Principal, Superintendent, and SDL by Standard Blackboard Communication (463 Class Cafe Posts, 20 Announcements, Weekly Emails) Survey Results (Candidate, Course, Instructor, Field Supervisor Evaluations, Stakeholder Perception) Final Executive Summary: 127 Candidates, 67 Counsel, 29 Admin, 8 SDL, 2 Super, 91 Districts, 123 Schools
Recap of Continuous Improvement Activities Data gathered from evaluations contribute to improvement of course and program alignment. Course review conducted in each program area: One course in each program area selected to be reviewed by another program team Reviewed using QM, ECP Review, and OLC rubrics Feedback provided to program teams for continuous improvement of courses Six courses reviewed this year Approved curriculum changes reflect program reviews from last year: Course name changes Course description changes Additional courses Program objectives and competencies revisited and updated for alignment
Recap of Research and Publication Activities Book chapter publications: 2 Journal article publications: 8 Published proceedings: 6 Accepted proposals: 4 Research presentations: 57 Dissertations defended: 2