Is Ultranationalism All Bad? What is the line between patriotism and ultranationalism?
Geography 719.1 Km2 (Calgary is 825.29 Km2) Population: 5.5 million (Calgary is 1.2 million)
Multi-Ethnic Nation 74% Chinese 13% Malay 10% Indian* 3% Other** *East Indian **Usually of Caucasian decent
And we all get along… multi-cultural day celebrated annually public schools and housing reflect national ethnic ratios 4 official languages
Nationalism Students sing the national anthem and recite the pledge up to grade 10/11 every morning Compulsory national service (conscription) for all boys at the age of 18 for 2 years. Recalled for training every couple years after that. Every Secondary school had uniform clubs that resembled police or military training Same party has been in rule since independence
Does Ultranationalism Work? 6th overall best healthcare system Ranked 11th in world on the HDI Does Ultranationalism Work? 3rd in GDP per capita unemployment rate never above 4%, rose to 3% in 2009, fell to 1.8% by 2015 6 universities, 2 consider top 20 in the world