Development Officer Jorum (Communications). Janine Rigby Development Officer Jorum (Communications).
“Helping to build a community for Sharing” The Aim of Jorum “Helping to build a community for Sharing”
What is Jorum ? “A FREE online service for staff in UK Universities and Colleges to share, reuse and repurpose electronic learning and teaching resources”. “The JISC funded service is jointly run between the EDINA and Mimas national data centres based at the Universities of Edinburgh and Manchester.”
The Jorum Team + Website + Repository + Legal Framework What does that mean ? The Jorum Team + Website + Repository + Legal Framework + L&T Resources + Metadata + Users
How does Jorum work? Jorum Contributor Jorum User Jorum R&D “putting content in” “getting content out” Jorum R&D
The Jorum Website –
The Jorum Repository – IntraLibrary
The Jorum Repository – Searching Search by “Methods” 109 hits Refine by “Intended for Use in” - 62 hits Further refine by “Type of resource”
What’s in Jorum? Single files Content Packages / Learning Objects Virtual Objects Text documents, Spread Sheets, PowerPoints, Images, Video, Audio, Flash Animations Bundling learning resources together with metadata. Content can be moved between programs, facilitating easier delivery, reuse and sharing of materials. Jorum can catalogue and point to resources stored elsewhere
Showcase Some examples
Healthier Nations Project – Working with VLEs
REHASH – University of London, St Georges REHASH (Repurposing Existing Healthcare Assets to Share) 60 high quality interactive medical & healthcare resources University of London, St Georges
E Studio – University of Wolverhampton Part of X4L Phase 1; multi-disciplinary consortium Repurpose JISC online resources for use in e-learning 6 ‘Arts and Design’ Resources (incl. photo essay) Explore their use within a VLE
What are the advantages? Legal security – Robust licensing system. Authenticated Access – Security for content, limiting access to the educational community, and providing usage statistics. Metadata – Resource descriptions conform to accepted standards, resources can be easily found and used. Cataloguing – Jorum is able to offer assistance in attaching metadata to content by funding information specialists. Workflow – Jorum has developed a workflow process that can be tailored to the needs of contributors
Provide a place for shared learning and teaching content Why consider using Jorum? Provide a place for shared learning and teaching content Provide a place to showcase content Make clear the terms and conditions of use of that content Extend the availability of resources beyond your community Help you find content – avoid reinventing the wheel Help attract funding (FDTL, CETLs, HEA SCs, JISC projects) Provides statistics (e.g. SCONUL for libraries, project outputs)