SOL plasma in ITER is dense and hot  thick to gas puff as in C-mod


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Presentation transcript:

SOL plasma in ITER is dense and hot  thick to gas puff as in C-mod Role of particle transport and neutral penetration on plasma density for L-mode and H-mode confinement regimes without core fuelling (I) Modelling of ITER fuelling based on B2-Eirene (ionisation + diffusive transport) SOL plasma in ITER is dense and hot  thick to gas puff as in C-mod Gas fuelling/recycling ineffective  fuelling of ITER QDT =10 relies on pellets modelling and circumstantial experimental evidence indicate that role of transport in determining plasma density is important A. Kukushkin JET – Sartori PPCF 2002 Kallenbach PPCF 2004

Role of particle transport and neutral penetration on plasma density for L-mode and H-mode confinement regimes without core fuelling (II) Experimental plan Plasma conditions for large span of lion/ln in C-mod (low to high Ip) & confinement regimes (measurements of nedge, T edge and Lya essential) with q95 = 3-4 1. Perform Ohmic or low Padd L-mode density scan to highest density (1-4 shots) 2. Perform density scan in EDA : low Ip at low Padd/PL-H (3 shots) 3. Perform density scan in EDA : high Ip at low Padd/PL-H (3-4 shots) 4. Perform density scan in EDA : high Ip at high Padd/PL-H (3-4 shots) 5. Repeat 3 and 4 in ELMy H-mode (6-8 shots)