T HE P IECES OF THE F OUNDATION Helping Optimists Help Kids Optimist Year – Quarter Two
T HE P IECES OF O PTIMIST I NTERNATIONAL F OUNDATION : 501(C)(3) Status Charitable Giving Pass Through Program Club Campaign Endowment Accountability
S ERVICES TO OI AND ITS C LUBS : 501(C)(3) S TATUS & C HARITABLE G IVING Incorporated as a 501(C)(3) organization with IRS and each State Submit to independent audit Maintain BBB Wise Giving Alliance Member status Save local Club the cost of maintaining a separate 501(C)(3) corporation
S ERVICES TO OI AND ITS C LUBS : P ASS T HROUGH P ROGRAM & C LUB C AMPAIGN Provide Club option to donor to deduct charitable donation to Clubs mission critical work (PTP) Maintain paper trail for IRS on donations, provide donors tax receipts (PTP & CC) Provide interest baring savings account for longer-term projects (CC) Provide banking and accounting Services at no charge to the Club (PTP & CC)
S ERVICES TO OI AND ITS C LUBS : E NDOWMENTS Endowed donor investment revenue assists funding O.I. programs and Club projects Optimist Magazine O.I. Youth Programs O.I. Development Programs Oratorical Contest Scholarships Essay Contest Scholarships CCDHH Scholarships Club Grants
S ERVICES TO OI AND ITS C LUBS : A CCOUNTABILITY IRS 990, annual independent audit Board of Directors, elected by donors and having fiduciary responsibility to donors Professional Staff Fundraising consultation to Clubs
T HANK Y OU ! For More Information: Steve Skodak – Executive Director 4494 Lindell Blvd St. Louis, MO (800) ext. 203 (314)