List the 5 phases of matter 9 8 10 20 30 7 5 2 3 4 180 6 40 130 140 50 120 70 60 1 160 170 110 150 80 100 90 Seconds Left:
Solid Liquid Gas Plasma Bose-Einstein Condensate
Use a diagram to describe the three most common phases of matter 9 8 10 20 30 7 5 2 3 4 180 6 40 130 140 50 120 70 60 1 160 170 110 150 80 100 90 Seconds Left:
Phases of matter are PHYSICAL PROPERTIES. What is necessary to cause a change in phase in the three most common phases? 9 8 10 20 30 7 5 2 3 4 180 6 40 130 140 50 120 70 60 1 160 170 110 150 80 100 90 Seconds Left:
Energy. An increase in energy will cause a solid to change to a liquid and a liquid to change to a gas.
Describe SOLID This screen will disappear in 3 minutes. 8 7 9 20 6 10 4 2 3 180 5 30 130 120 140 70 50 60 40 160 170 1 150 110 100 90 80 Seconds Remaining.
The solid phase of matter occurs when the material has a definite volume or size and distinct shape at a given temperature.
Describe LIQUID 9 8 10 20 30 7 5 2 3 4 180 6 40 130 140 50 120 70 60 1 160 170 110 150 80 100 90 Seconds Remaining:
A liquid has a definite volume, but it takes the shape of its container with the aid of gravity.
Describe GAS 9 8 10 20 30 7 5 2 3 4 180 6 40 130 140 50 120 70 60 1 160 170 110 150 80 100 90 Seconds Remaining:
The volume of a gas depends on its temperature and the surrounding pressure. It will take the shape of its container if the container is closed.