The Legacy of the Roman Empire
Art Art included mosaics (designs formed with small tiles of glass, stone or pottery), murals, statues, jewelry, cut gems, vases and jars.
Language Roman alphabet has 23 letters; English 26 letters (J, U, W) The numbers 1, 10, 100, and 1000 were written as I, X, C, and M. Roman language that influences modern life: Latin root words and prefixes. Romance languages (developed from Latin) include: Italian, Spanish, and French.
Literature Oratory – the art of giving speeches. Cicero Poetry – Virgil wrote the Aeneid. Horace wrote a collection of poems called Odes. Satire – works of literature that make fun of their subjects. Juvenal. Biography and essays – Plutarch.
Science Astronomy and Mathematics – Ptolemy Natural History – Pliny the Elder Medicine – Galen used dissection to understand the body.
Law and Citizenship Government by the citizens – Power was shared my different people. Civic duties – voting, serving in the military, and in Roman Courts. Twelve Tables – code of laws Roman law influences civil law around the world today.
Popular Entertainment Amphitheaters and stadiums Gladiator games – usually slaves, fought each other or animals to the death. Chariot Races
Architecture and Engineering Important Architectural and Engineering Achievements: arch, vault, dome, concrete, stadium, triumphal arch, roads, bridges, and aqueducts. Architecture and Engineering that Influence Modern Life: designs of churches, banks, government buildings including our Capitol dome, stadiums. Some modern roads are built over Roman roads and some aqueducts are used today.
Rome Leaves a Lasting Legacy in Art Architecture Engineering Language Literature Philosophy Law Citizenship