Personal care Requirements…
Personal Care… Personal Care is bathing, dressing, and grooming,… Other examples: Applying lotion Shaving Combing hair Assistance with clipping finger nails, etc.… The most important, is bathing…
Requirements… All PCA’s must read the Care Plan and the Communication Book to see when was the last time a consumer received a bath. All PCA’s must read the Care Plan to see what care is needed… Assistance with bathing or supervision with bathing. PCA’s must take this seriously!!! Family Care, Case Managers, and even the State will make random inspections to ensure that each PCA’s are performing their job duties that are required. PCA’s that are not doing their job may face disciplinary actions…
Report… It is your job to report to the office if a consumer is not receiving a bath or assistance with a bath. What to check first: Check the Care Plan – is it listed on the care plan. Check the Communication Book – did the PCA document it in the communication book. If no bathing is being performed…. NOTIFY... the office. Communication is key to ensure all our consumer’s are receiving the best possible care.