How can CTAE help my school make AYP?
Building Background Knowledge to Improve Academic Achievement Marzano, R. 2004
Use direct vocabulary instruction
3 Dynamic Interactions at Play When Students Learn Dynamic #1-Strength of the “memory trace”. The more times a student processes information, the more likely they are to remember it. Students need at least 4 exposures to information to retain it with no more than a 2 day gap in between.
Dynamic # 2- Depth of processing- Student adds detail to information if they can associate it with an experience.
Dynamic # 3- Elaboration- A variety of associations with the same information
Effective Direct Vocabulary Instruction #1-Use descriptions instead of definitions. Example: Covert Definition-Kept from sight; secret; hidden Description-Describes something that is done in a hidden or secret way Disrupt Definition-Break up; split You try the description
#2-Vocabulary should be represented in linguistic and non-linguistic ways. Linguistic: Using words to describe what something means to help students learn. Non-linguistic: Using drawings, pictures, images, and anything other than words to describe what something means to help students learn.
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Gilda Lyon 404.463.1977