Fiona MacLeod Update from Scotland for January 2019 Meeting
Future Nurse and Midwife- “Once for Scotland” approach CNO Fiona McQueen Following consultation with Council of Deans of Health Scotland, Scottish Executive Nurse Directors’ (SEND), the Future Nurse and Midwife Programme Board and other key partners “Having considered key issues and balanced available options, my clear preference as commissioner of pre-registration nursing and midwifery education in Scotland is that all universities providing programmes in Scotland should seek to prepare their programmes to secure NMC approval to deliver from 2020-21 academic session.”
Practice Assessment Document (PAD) Scottish Practice Assessment Document There is a strategic national group working on this document but there will only be one document unlike Scottish Ongoing Achievement Record which is field specific. It is in early stages of development- they have had one meeting to date One question from GCU to the group is For Annexe B: Nursing Procedures the field’s of practice will have some input. Still be to be discussed will all four providers of Child pre-registration have the same level of expertise and knowledge as “ …appropriate level for their intended field(s) of practice.” As all four providers have different learning opportunities
Recruitment For all fields of practice there will be a 7.6% increase in 2019/20 intake which is an additional 283 students across Scotland's universities Child 10.4% increase in 2019/20 intake at GCU which will give us an intake of approx.125 child students . The Health and Care (Staffing)(Scotland) Bill This Scottish Government Bill was raised on 23 May 2018. The Bill completed Stage 1 on 6 December 2018. This is an opportunity to put in place the steps for this long term solution which will enshrine safe staffing in law.
Video Conferencing Perhaps wherever the meetings are held in future there should be an option to attend remotely.