Key Club Meeting January 30, 2019
Pick up your nametag! Take this card with you if it’s in your tag
Icebreaker! Winners get snacks first! Help us reach out to folks who haven’t registered/paid dues still!
When you participate in service activities: Service hours and x2vol When you participate in service activities: Complete a service log and get it signed Log your hours into x2Vol under Key Club 2018-19 Not Key Club 2017-18 or personal project Turn in your service log Do all this today!
Service opportunity with Key Club Girl Scout Gold Award project: Maggie Mahon Welcome baskets for Partnership Village Who are we helping? Service opportunity with Key Club
Welcome Baskets for Partnership Village Bring items or money to one of the next two meetings: Wed. 2/13 & Wed. 2/27 •Mops •Hangers •Brooms •Cooking pots/pans •Toilet Brushes •Cutting Boards •Pillows •Utensils •Twin sheet sets •Kitchen gadgets •Bath towels •Dish towels •Hand towels Mrs. Russell will send out a sign-up genius via email!
Upcoming service opportunity with the Thirst Project!
Upcoming service opportunity with the Thirst Project! Last year: Thirsty 30 funds collected This year: a Thirst Project Walk here at NWHS Want to get involved in the planning? Stick around after the meeting today!
Mark your calendars! Sat. Mar. 16 8 am to 4 pm - NWHS Media Center NWHS Rockathon is coming! Mark your calendars! Sat. Mar. 16 8 am to 4 pm - NWHS Media Center
Upcoming service opportunity with Kiwanis! Special needs camp in Stokesdale, NC “Spring clean-up:” getting camp ready for summer Sat. Apr. 13, 9 am to noon
opportunity in Greensboro Upcoming service opportunity in Greensboro Also Sat. Apr. 13 We have volunteered to man the kids’ area: bouncy house, games, face paint More details to come!
5) Pick up all trash/push in chairs Reminders 1) Complete service logs & hours on x2vol 2) Stay put to help plan Thirst Project Walk 3) Look for an email to help with Welcome Baskets for Partnership Village! 4) Put name tags in box for attendance check 5) Pick up all trash/push in chairs Questions? Email Next meeting: Wed. Feb. 13th in the media center