Introduction to Tax Levy Travel & Expense The Office of Institutional and Academic Programs 1160 Boylan Hall 718.951.5102
Overview Employees may request approval for travel and reimbursement. The Office of Accounts Payable oversees the Tax Levy Travel and Expense process. The Fiscal and Business Services Center oversees the Non-Tax Levy and BCF travel and reimbursement process. Travel Authorizations Requesting permission to travel Expense Reports Requesting reimbursement Visit for more information.
Topics The Fiscal Year Funding Types Access and Permissions Traveler and Supervisor Responsibilities Prior to Travel During Travel After Travel Travel Authorizations Expense Reports Payment Process Non-Tax and BCF Best Practices and Tips Q & A
Fiscal Year The University’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30 We are in Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Submission deadlines are scheduled throughout the fiscal year and are listed on our website.
Funding Types Tax Levy / Income Funds Reimbursable (TL / IFR) Non-Tax Levy (NTL) Brooklyn College Foundation (BCF) Research Foundation (RF)
Funding Types: Tax Levy/IFR Tax Levy Accounts include: Temporary Services (TS) Other Than Personnel Services (OTPS) Supplies Equipment Miscellaneous/Contractual Services Travel Campus Support Services (CSS) Postage
Access and Permissions Prior to traveling, your supervisor must first request access for you. Tax Levy / IFR Contact Lisa DeStefano ( Non-Tax Levy Contact the FBSC ( Brooklyn College Foundation (BCF) Fund Managers should contact Stewardship Programs at ext 5074 Research Foundation (RF) Contact the Research Foundation directly or Sabrina Cerezo of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs in 2158 Boylan Hall (ext 5622)
Access and Permissions: Tax Levy You will need access to the Travel and Expense module of CUNYfirst. Your supervisor will need to request access for you. Travel and Expense roles include: Proxy (someone who submits on behalf of an Expense User) Expense User (someone with authority to submit authorizations and expense reports) Expense Supervisor (someone authorized to approve travel and reimbursement requests) Expense Approver (someone authorized to approve charges to a budget)
Travel and Expense Process Travel Authorizations are formal requests for travel permission and the encumbrance of funds. Expense Reports are formal requests for reimbursement of expenses (travel or non-travel related). Tax Levy Travel Authorizations and Expense Reports are processed in CUNYfirst. Non-Tax Levy and BCF Payment Requests are submitted to the Fiscal and Business Services Center (1146 Boylan Hall).
What is Travel Status? Employees are in travel status only if they are more than 35 miles from both their official station (Brooklyn College) and their home. Travel between an employee’s home and official work station (e.g., Brooklyn College) is considered commuting and is not reimbursable
Traveler’s Responsibility Prior to Traveling At least 30 days prior to traveling: Determine per diem rates for lodging and meals, as well as mileage rates, if necessary. Secure the most economical method of travel. Obtain approval from the Office of Accounts Payable for lodging per diem overages, car rentals, and more costly methods of travel. If using a Travel Card, use CUNY CONCUR, if possible . Complete and sign the Authorization to Travel Form and submit to the Office of Accounts Payable with supporting documentation. Submit a travel authorization in CUNYfirst and verify approvals have been obtained. If the trip is cancelled, please contact the Office of Accounts Payable and cancel your travel authorization in CUNYfirst to release the funds.
Traveler’s Responsibility Prior to Traveling Lodging and Meals Fixed per diem rate No receipts required for lodging or meals Must be in overnight travel status Rates are as follows: Out of State: $50 per night (includes lodging and meals) NYS locations range from: $35 - $50 per night Actual Costs Check GSA website for per diem lodging and meal rates Lodging overages need justification and prior approval Receipts are required for lodging but not for meals GSA meal rates are apportioned as follows: 20% of the per diem rate for breakfast 80% of the per diem rate for dinner Lunch is not reimbursed. No taxes should be paid for lodging within New York State
Traveler’s Responsibility Prior to Traveling Lodging and Meals for Foreign Travel Foreign lodging and meal reimbursement are based on the maximum per diem allowance established by the U.S. Department of State. Mode of Transportation Determine the most economical way to travel Amtrak, airplane, car, bus, etc. Only economy/coach class Book early for best rates
Can be found at brooklyn. cuny Can be found at > Tax Levy > Travel and Expense > Travel and Expense Workflows
Supervisor’s Responsibility Prior to Travel Check available budget in CUNYfirst prior to approving travel requests Authorize travel only when necessary Review traveler’s itinerary to ensure the most economical method of travel is used Review and sign the Authorization to Travel form Review and approve the travel authorization in CUNYfirst
Traveler’s Responsibility While Traveling Maintain an accurate record of expenses, departure, and return times Save itemized, original receipts and boarding passes A receipt must contain the following information: Vendor/Company name Transaction date Detailed description of goods or services purchased Amount paid Form of payment (cash, check, or last four digits of credit card number)
Traveler’s Responsibility After Traveling Within two weeks of return: Complete and sign a Travel Voucher form and submit to Office of Accounts Payable. Create and submit an Expense Report in CUNYfirst and submit all support documentation to the Office of Accounts Payable.
Can be found at brooklyn. cuny Can be found at > Tax Levy > Travel and Expense > Travel and Expense Workflows
Traveler’s Responsibility After Traveling Foreign Travel Expenses paid in cash should be converted to American dollars based on the exchange rate in effect on the date of the transaction (use the OANDA currency converter website and indicate the amount in USD on each receipt.) Provide an Excel spreadsheet showing the dates, amount paid, conversion rate, and amount to be reimbursed in U.S. dollars for each receipt. For foreign travel receipts, write the translation on each receipt and ensure the total amount paid is clear and visible.
Supervisor’s Responsibility After Travel Check available budget in CUNYfirst prior to approving the Expense Report (reimbursement requests) Unanticipated expenses may have been incurred Review and sign the Travel Voucher form Review and approve the expense report in CUNYfirst
Payment Process Reimbursements are tied to method of payment in the NY State payroll system. If paid via check: Reimbursement check will be mailed to the address that appears on the employee’s paycheck. If paid via direct deposit: Reimbursement will be deposited to the account in which the employee’s paycheck is deposited. If multiple accounts, reimbursements will be deposited into the account where the balance/excess is typically deposited. Reimbursements are typically processed within 2 weeks from the approval of the Expense Report in CUNYfirst by the Office of Accounts Payable.
Non-Tax Levy and BCF Travel and Reimbursements Increasingly similar to Tax Levy, except that taxes are reimbursable. Brooklyn College Foundation (BCF) Only issued from funds that allow travel reimbursements May require budget line for travel reimbursement in accordance with donor gift agreement Receipts are required for expenses over $25. Lodging limit is $170/night before taxes. Lodging with relatives not allowed. Meals reimbursable up to $14 for breakfast, $20 for lunch, and $30 for dinner if receipts are provided. If not, BCF will pay maximum federal per diem rate. If you have any questions, please contact FBSC for approval prior to traveling.
Best Practices and Tips If the hotel room exceeds the GSA allowance, please submit a letter of justification to the Office of Accounts Payable prior to booking. Ensure Travel Authorization is fully approved in CUNYfirst prior to traveling Submit an Expense Report no later than 14 days after completing the trip and make sure your supervisor approves the report in CUNYfirst. Forward all original, itemized receipts and travel forms to the Office of Accounts Payable.
Contacts Office of Accounts Payable: ext 5421 Gulnoza Shakirova ( Niky Wu ( Access / Permissions: ext 5009 Lisa DeStefano ( Budget: ext 5220 Michael Lanza ( Tax Levy Budget Reports (
Contacts David Gretah ( CUNYfirst Travel Authorizations / Expense Reports: ext 5116 David Gretah ( Trainings: ext 1550 / 5102 Patrick O’Connor (
Register for our other classes! Brooklyn College Knowledge Introduction to Purchasing eProcurement Workshop 1: How to Buy (Requisitions) eProcurement Workshop 2: How to Pay (Receipts) Travel & Expense Workshop