United States History Semester 2 With Chief Shannon Excell
Entry 9: Starter 10th – 11th January 2019 Finish Entry 7 Notes
Entry 10: Objective 10th – 11th January 2019 I will examine the post WW1 uses of Mass Media.
Entry 11 : Activity 10th – 11th January 2019 Read pages 459-461 Mass Media Spoke Chart Newspapers Radio Mass Media Broadcasts Magazines Movies
1) Radio Page 461 2) Newspapers Pages 460-461 Mass Media 3) Movies Broadcasts 3) Movies Page 460 4) Magazines Pages 460-461
Entry 12: Homework 10th – 11th January 2019 No Homework
Entry 5: Starter 8th- 9th January 2019 Crash Course: US History: The 1920s
Entry 6: Objective 8th-9th January 2019 I will examine the post WW1 social changes of the 1920s.
Entry 7: Activity 8th- 9th January 2019 Read pages 452-458 Social Changes of the 1920s in the United States Chart Social Changes, in the United States, during the 1920s Women's Roles Demographics Lifestyles
Social Changes, in the United States, during the 1920s Women's Roles Lifestyles Demographics 1) Flappers: Perception: - Rebellious - Bold - Fun-loving - Energetic Physical Appearance: - ”Bob-Styled” Haircut - Showed Ankles/Wrists = Change in Clothing Style= Homogenous- Like (Look Like a Male) - Rebelled against “Mother’s Style/Life Choices” - Smoke and Drank in public “Like the Guys” 2) Found increased freedom with 19th Amendment (Right to Vote) Increased movement from Cities to Suburbs - Due in large part to transportation changes (EX: Trolley to Bus) 2) Increased entertainment in cities due to commercialization of sports Jack Dempsey: Heavyweight World Champ Jim Thorpe: Professional Football Player, Gold Metal Olympian, 1st Native American to head NFL George Herman “Babe Ruth” “Sultan of Swat” NBL Home Run Record Hazel Wightman/Helen Wills: Female Olympians (Tennis) Gertrude Ederle: Olympian in swimming/ 1st Female to Cross the English Channel 3) Increased Recreation 3`) Other Notables: - C. Lindbergh: 1st solo MALE flight across Atlantic - A. Earhart: 1st solo FEMALE flight across 1) Farms Economically stressed while Industrial/Commercial Economy boomed 2) Increased Movement from Farms to Cities for work 3) Blacks moved North to Cities - Job Opportunities - Establishment of Jim Crow Laws in South 4) Increased attempts in immigration into United States - Resulted in Congress establishing limitations on immigration numbers dependent on country of origin - Exceptions: Mexicans who were land laborers Areas on concentration for Mexican migrant workers = Barrios
Entry 8: Homework 8th- 9th January 2019 No Homework
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Work Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work
Standards for Open Discussion I contribute my ideas to class discussions I listen to others when they are speaking I wait for the appropriate time to contribute my ideas I am polite in my interactions with other students and the teacher
Notebooks Entries Are: In pencil or pen Labeled with the Entry Number Labeled with the Name of the Entry Labeled with the Date Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate 4 entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of your best effort Complete
Entry 1: Starter 7th January 2019 Reminder of Classroom Modes Open Discussion: Vote… Majority Wins… Start with 1
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Work Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work
Notebooks Entries Are In pencil Labeled with the date Labeled with the entry number Labeled with a proper title Written very neatly Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate 4 entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of the student’s best effort Complete
STANDARDS FOR QUIET WORK I am listening to the teacher or speaker. I am not talking. I am taking notes or doing other silent work as directed. I am paying complete attention to the teacher or speaker.
Entry 2: Objective 7th January 2019 I will become familiar with vocabulary terms used in our Roaring 20s Unit.
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Work Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work
Notebooks Entries Are In pencil Labeled with the date Labeled with the entry number Labeled with a proper title Written very neatly Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate 4 entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of the student’s best effort Complete
STANDARDS FOR QUIET WORK I am listening to the teacher or speaker. I am not talking. I am taking notes or doing other silent work as directed. I am paying complete attention to the teacher or speaker.
Entry 3: Activity 7th January 2019 How we do vocabulary in Chief Excell’s class: Vocabulary Word Definition of Vocabulary Word Sentence using Vocabulary Word Picture depicting the Vocabulary Word Roaring 20s Vocabulary: Flapper 4) Harlem Renaissance Jazz Age 5) Boot Leggers Lost Generation 6) Speakeasies
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Work Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work
Notebooks Entries Are In pencil Labeled with the date Labeled with the entry number Labeled with a proper title Written very neatly Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate 4 entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of the student’s best effort Complete
STANDARDS FOR QUIET WORK I am listening to the teacher or speaker. I am not talking. I am taking notes or doing other silent work as directed. I am paying complete attention to the teacher or speaker.
Entry 4: Homework 7th January 2019 No Homework
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Work Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work
DURING TEAM WORK… Table Team Work I work cooperatively with my team members to accomplish a particular goal by: Performing assigned tasks/roles Listening to my team members Respecting the ideas of others Being a helpful contributor to the team.
Notebooks Entries Are: In pencil or pen Labeled with the Entry Number Labeled with the Name of the Entry Labeled with the Date Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of your best effort Complete
THE CURRENT CLASSROOM “MODE” Quiet Work Stand & Deliver Open Discussion Team Work
Standards for Stand and Deliver I go quickly to the white board when it is my turn. I print my name on the white board neatly and complete the assigned task on the white board. I complete the problem as a notebook entry if it is NOT my turn to be at the board. I stand at attention to show my teachers when I am done and requesting permission to be seated. I address the teacher as “sir” or “ma’am”. I ask or answer a question in a clear, loud voice.
Notebooks Entries Are: In pencil or pen Labeled with the Entry Number Labeled with the Name of the Entry Labeled with the Date Clearly legible Followed by a horizontal line to separate entries on a single page Written so as to maximize the use of each page Representative of your best effort Complete
TOTAL PARTICIPATION TECHNIQUES http://acadiatechinfo.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/60481382/beleive% 2Bin%2Btpts.pdf
CLOSE READING AND ANNOTATING http://faculty.catawba.edu/jmbitzer/War/TextAnnotation.pdf
CITATION State a fact Cite what specific text or source you used to give you that fact Explain why the citation serves as proof of the fact
Citation Example Frames According to (name of person/article/organization), ... (Name of person/article) states/said/wrote, "….” (Name of person), from/in (Name of article/organization), says/said/writes, "..." In (Name of article or book), (Name of person) writes/says/states, "..." As cited in (name of article/book)... As noted in (name of article/book).../As noted by (name of person), ... (Name of article, person, organization) reveals that... Research points to the fact that… (Name of person/article) highlights that…
THIEVES Title Headings Introduction Every first sentence Visuals and vocabulary End of chapter questions Summary