Energy chapter 9 What is Energy?
Objectives: Standard: There are different forms of energy, and those forms of energy can be changed from one form to another – but total energy is conserved. I will identify the different types of energy and their characteristics as they relate to work. I will compare and contrast potential and kinetic energy using a Venn Diagram.
Identify Potential and Kinetic and Explain Why
The tennis player does work and transfers energy to the racket The tennis player does work and transfers energy to the racket. With this energy, the racket can then do work on the ball.
Process Chart Work is done by the tennis player on the racket. Energy moves from the ____________________ __________________ to the ______________ The tennis racket does work on the ball. _______________ to the _______________.
Energy Kinetic Energy the ability to do work work is the transfer of energy measured in joules power = energy transferred time the energy an object has due its motion depends on mass and velocity KE increases as mass increases and when velocity increases KE = mass x velocity² 2
Potential Energy Gravitational Potential Energy Elastic Potential Energy stored energy has the potential to do work PE related to an object’s height GPE = weight x height PE associated with objects that can be stretched or compressed
Wile E Coyote and the Roadrunner Potential Energy and Wile E Coyote View the video. Find someone at a table across the room (opposite side of where you are located) and discuss the types of potential energy and its conversion shown in the video Return to your seat and write this down in your own words.
Forms of Energy Mechanical Energy associated with the position and motion of an object combo of kinetic and potential energy ME = PE + KE more ME, more work you can do
Thermal Energy total potential and kinetic energy of particles faster particles move = more KE = more thermal energy heat energy
Electrical Energy Chemical Energy energy of electric charges can be KE or PE depending on if it is moving or stored ex. lightning, batteries, electrical lines PE stored in chemical bonds CE stored in foods, matches, cells in your body
Nuclear Energy Electromagnetic Energy PE stored in the nucleus of an atom released during a nuclear reaction ex. nuclear fission (nucleus splits) and nuclear fusion (nuclei fuse) travels in waves ex. sunlight, microwaves, x-rays
Law of Conservation of Energy when one form of energy is transformed to another, no energy is destroyed energy cannot be created nor destroyed ex. spinning top stops and falls b/c mech. energy is transformed to thermal due to friction
Energy Transformations change from one form of energy to another single or multiple single – body transforms chemical energy in food to mechanical multiple – mech. used to strike a match » thermal (friction) » chem. (stored in match) » thermal (heat you feel) and electromagnetic (light you see)
Energy and Energy Transformation Wile E Coyote and Roadrunner View the video. Find a different partner (15 seconds) and discuss types of energy and energy transformation in the video Whole class discussion.
Alarm clock Battery Light bulb Blender electrical energy light and sound energy Battery chemical energy electrical energy Light bulb electrical energy light and thermal energy Blender electrical energy kinetic and sound energy
Combustion process of burning fuels fuel’s chem. energy is transformed to thermal energy
Potential and Kinetic Energy Song Make a Venn Diagram of Kinetic and Potential Review Potential and Kinetic Energy Lesson