All These Words Are Fair Game on Your Final! Poetry Tone vocab All These Words Are Fair Game on Your Final!
Apprehensive Worried that something negative will happen
Nostalgic A mixed feeling of happiness/sadness/longing when remembering a person, place, or event from the past,
Reticent Unwilling to communicate very much, talk freely or reveal all the details about something
Disdainful Extreme disgust for something or somebody
Trenchant Direct and deliberately hurtful
Eulogistic Full of praise for somebody or something
Cavalier Showing an arrogant disregard or lack of respect for somebody or something
Condescending Behaving toward other people in a way that implies you are better than them
Flippant Showing a lack of seriousness that is thought of as inappropriate
Acquiescent A tone of agreement or compliance in a passive, quiet way