Youth Employment and Developing the Young Workforce NHS Education for Scotland
Youth Employment and Developing the Young Workforce Sheena Greco - Education Manager, NHS Education for Scotland Lorraine Scott - Specialist Lead (Youth Employment), NHS Education for Scotland Welcome and thank delegates Introduce ourselves
Youth Employment and Developing the Young Workforce 2018 marks Scotland’s Year of Young People. The Event theme ‘Delivering Now, Improving for the Future’ recognises that young people today will secure the future of health and social care services in Scotland. So the focus of our session will be on how NHSScotland is currently attracting young people into careers in health and care, and our plans for how we can increase these numbers.
Youth Employment and Developing the Young Workforce NHS EDUCATION FOR SCOTLAND DEVELOPING THE YOUNG WORKFORCE AND YOUTH EMPLOYMENT ACTIVITIES IN NHSSCOTLAND SCOPING REPORT March 2018 NHS Education for Scotland has recently completed a report about youth engagement and employment activities in each NHSScotland Board. Look under your seat. You will find a statement. The statement tells you a key finding or fact from our scoping report. Please keep this post-it and share it with a colleague. Now, some people don’t have statements, they have questions. Who has the questions? They are numbered 1 to 5. Who has Question 1? Please ask it now. 5 questions (on PINK post its) 1 Is NHSScotland the largest employer in the country and how many staff are employed? 2 What percentage of NHSScotland staff are aged over 50? 3 What careers are available in NHSScotland? 4 Name three ways in which NHSScotland Boards engage with schools 5 Which Modern Apprenticeship programmes are available in NHSScotland?
1 Is NHSScotland the largest employer in the country and how many staff are employed? Yes 163,400
2 What percentage of NHSScotland staff are aged over 50? 2 What percentage of NHSScotland staff are aged over 50? Nearly 40% of NHSScotland staff are aged over 50 Less than 5% of the current workforce is under 25 years of age and less than 1% are under 19 years of age.
3 What careers are available in NHSScotland? Hundreds of careers Not just doctors and nurses. Clinical staff include scientists, pharmacists, midwives…and dozens of others. Nearly half of the workforce work in Business and Administrative roles, such as accountants, receptionists and data analysts and Estates and Facilities, the staff who look after buildings and services.
provide work experience for young people attend school events work with local colleges 4 Name three ways in which NHSScotland Boards engage with schools providing work experience programmes for young people furthest from the job market attending school events to inform pupils, teachers and parents about NHS careers work with local colleges to offer mock interviews, recruitment and selection training
Modern Apprenticeship programmes 5 Which Modern Apprenticeship programmes are available in NHSScotland? Approximately 18 – some here to show the variety and range of apprenticeships.
KEY FINDINGS - Apprenticeships Youth Employment and Developing the Young Workforce KEY FINDINGS - Apprenticeships Boards employ 370 Modern Apprentices (MAs) 120 MA opportunities planned Boards provide work placements for Foundation Apprentices Apprenticeships
Youth Employment and Developing the Young Workforce KEY FINDINGS - Engagement Boards engage with schools Boards run employability programmes to widen access Boards use websites/social media Engagement with young people All Territorial Boards are engaged with schools and colleges, provide work experience programmes, work with teachers/careers advisors, deliver careers events/fairs A range of employability programmes e.g. Healthcare Academies, Project Search, Prince’s Trust programmes Some Boards use websites and social media to promote careers to young people, partic the NHSScotland careers website at – have a look!
developing, including social media Next steps? widen access to young people furthest from the job market increase work with pupils, teachers and parents develop develop new approaches to recruitment encourage Boards to prioritise youth employment The report includes some suggested next steps – these will form an action plan. There are 5 suggestions. Widening access to careers for young people furthest from the job market increasing work with pupils, teachers and parents to raise awareness of careers developing, including social media developing new and flexible approaches to recruitment encouraging Boards to prioritise youth employment
Youth Employment and Developing the Young Workforce THANK YOU