Evaluation of ESF 2007-2013 support to gender equality
Evaluation of ESF 2007-2013 support to gender equality Launched 2009; Finalised February 2011 Deliverables: 27 Country Reports Reconstruction of interven. logic for GE objective for each MS Update of 2006 European Gender Equality Index for all 27 MS Indicator for Gender Equality Policy Effort 6 Thematic Reports Synthesis Report with conclusions and recommendations
Evaluation of ESF 2007-2013 support to gender equality Conclusions on evaluation questions To what extent ESF programming in Member States has taken into consideration the promotion of gender equality? To what extent the GE objective is visible in OPs’ initial implementation, in monitoring organization/systems and evaluation activities? In which areas is the ESF expected to generate the most European added value (EAV) in relation to this policy field ? Recommendations For current period: to European Commission and to MS For future programming period: to European Commission and MS
Evaluation of ESF 2007-2013 support to gender equality Dissemination of results: Public on http://ec.europa.eu/social/ ESF Managing Authorities COCOF ESF Committee DG JUST; DG REGIO; EIGE High Level Group on Gender Mainstreaming Inter-services group on equality between women and men European Community of Practice on Gender Mainstreaming European Parliament, Committee of Regional Policy (close work with MEP for Gender Mainstreaming)
Evaluation of ESF 2007-2013 support to gender equality Evidence on use of results: EMPL, ESF Legislation and Policy, Financial Engineering Unit European Community of Practice on Gender Mainstreaming Expected use of results: ESF Managing Authorities other Commission services other stakeholders
Evaluation of ESF 2007-2013 support to gender equality Evidence on use of results: European Community of Practice on Gender Mainstreaming Expressed appreciation for this study as the information produced is extremely useful to them but they “would never be able to afford a study with such in-depth information and such an inventory”. Formally expressed to ESF managing authorities their agreement with study’s conclusions & recommendations Study used to design their own “baseline study”, to ensure no duplication and that it would be complementary Use it as a complement to their “baseline study” in their lobbying efforts Reference in their “position paper” and in presentations (e.g. to European Parliament) Believe that their presentation to the European Parliament has influenced MEP’s recommendations on minimum requirements for gender equality objectives for the next programming period.
Evaluation of ESF 2007-2013 support to gender equality The reports can be accessed through http://ec.europa.eu/social/ by selecting About us Evaluation and Impact Assessment Evaluation European Social Fund Or use direct link: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=701&langId=en&internal_pagesId=616&moreDocuments=yes&tableName=INTERNAL_PAGES